FileTrac ClaimService
version 2.0.1
Last updated: 2021.03.21
Revision History
Version | Date | Description |
1.0.0 | 2013.09.26 | Initial Draft |
1.0.2 | 2014.06.10 | Added GetClaimNotes method |
1.0.3 | 2014.12.15 | Added GetClaimReports method |
1.0.4 | 2015.12.30 | Updated GetClaimReports to include Documents on Cloud |
1.1.0 | 2016.02.20 | GetClaimData – output types changed from string to date & decimal |
1.1.1 | 2016.02.21 | Added GetInvoiceData method. Invoice, ClaimShare and Contract data objects added to GetClaimData. Contract data object added to GetClientCompanies |
1.1.2 | 2016.03.23 | Added GetUsers method |
1.2.1 | 2016.11.02 | Added GetReportMedia and GetUpdatedClaims methods. Web Service framework upgrade. |
1.2.2 | 2017.03.01 | Added GetClientContracts method |
1.3.0 | 2017.08.15 | Added Reserve and Payment/Recovery methods |
1.3.1 | 2017.08.30 | Add Invoice Payment method |
1.3.2 | 2017.12.01 | Added Flood fields to AddClaim, GetClaimData |
1.3.3 | 2018.01.15 | Added Appendix II for GetClaimData to FileTrac UI mapping |
1.3.4 | 2019.01.25 | Additional Bordereaux datapoints added |
1.4.0 | 2019.12.19 | User-level Authorization applied |
2.0.0 | 2020.04.30 | Overhaul API behavior |
2.0.0 | 2020.10.15 | Tweaked documentation regarding claim lookup |
2.0.0 | 2021.01.08 | Added details related to date references. |
2.0.1 | 2021.03.21 | Corrected some dates and described access to the current API version. |
This document is intended for users who wish to develop applications that will interface with FileTrac. This document details how to exchange data with the FileTrac claim system, what data is exchanged, and how to exchange that data.
The current version of the API can be accessed here:
Please note the “/v2” in the URL as this is the current version; not including the “/v2” will bring you to the old version of the API, which has been deprecated and is only available for backward compatibility.
Protocols and source information
The FileTrac API is a SOAP based web service over HTTPS. It offers methods to both extract existing claim data from FileTrac as well as insert new claim data into FileTrac. To better understand the concepts used by the FileTrac API, see:
- XML:
- XML schema:
- Web service:
Users are provided a login, password and company key that allows them access to the system and directs the request to the proper sub-environment within the system. User login access is restricted at the user level. Each valid FileTrac login must request authorization to the FileTrac API in order to access it. If the login has not explicitly been authorized by a FileTrac admin, login validation will fail. The owner of the login must request access to the API, thru the FileTrac ticketing system, and supply a reason for its use. Adjuster logins will no longer be authorized. Adjustment company users can access all data within their adjustment company. Client company users can only access data within their company.
FileTrac provides additional support for its API. Simply open a FileTrac Support ticket of ticket type ‘Training – General Help’ with ticket category ‘Questions’. The ticket will be directed to the proper support personnel.
In the methods below, each one requires a Login, Password, and CompanyKey parameter as described here, unless noted otherwise.
Common Parameters
Login (string) *required
The authorized system login of the user.
Password (string) *required
The corresponding password of the system login.
CompanyKey (string) *required
The unique company code provided by FileTrac.
Credentials are not interchangeable between this version of the API and previous versions of the API. Calls to either of these versions with incorrect credentials will return default results (empty strings, empty lists, empty objects, or 0 for an Id).
Extract Methods |
GetClaimSummaries | Returns a list of claims found based on the parameters given. Only returns “top level” elements. Pass a single claimID to the “GetClaimDetail” endpoint for more information. |
GetClaimDetail | Returns detailed information for a single claim based on the provided claimID. Includes Secondary Adjusters, Notes, Note Emails, Reports, Contacts, Claim Shares, Contracts, Invoices, Invoice Summaries, Invoice Expenses, Reserves, Reserve Changes, Reserve Recoveries, and Reserve Payments. |
GetClaimNotes | Returns, in a List object, either all Notes for a specified claim (by File # or claimID) or a single Note, if the note’s NoteID is provided. Results can also be filtered by client visibility. |
GetClaimReports | Returns, in a List object, the Reports for a claim including those uploaded to the Cloud. Either the claimID or the File # can be passed. A single report may also be returned if the reportID is provided. The report title, less illegal characters (html, chevrons, etc.), is returned as the report name. |
GetClientCompanies | Returns, in a List object, the customer (client) companies, plus any associated contracts, that exist within FileTrac for the Adjusting Company. This method should be called prior to creating a new claim as the customer company is required within FileTrac to properly create that claim. |
GetClientContacts | Returns, in a List object, the Claim Reps of the Customer Company. Either the companyID or the companyName of the customer company should be provided to return the contacts. If Name is provided it must match FileTrac client company exactly. |
GetClientContracts | Returns, in a List object, the Contracts of all Customer Companies. Either the companyID or the companyName of the customer company should be provided to return the contacts. If Name is provided it must match FileTrac client company exactly. |
GetContactTypes | Returns, in a List object, all the Contact Types, with ID and Attorney flag, available to the IA and necessary for use when creating a new Contact in an Add method. |
GetInvoiceSummaries | Returns a list of invoices found based on the parameters given. Services and Expenses are not included. Pass a single invoiceID to the “GetInvoiceDetail” endpoint for inclusion of Services and Expenses. |
GetInvoiceDetail | Returns information for a single invoice based on the provided invoiceID. Includes a list of Services, and a list of Expenses for the invoice. |
GetRecoveryTypes | Returns, in a List object, all the Recovery Types, with ID, available to the IA and necessary for use in adding a new Reserve Recovery. |
GetReportMedia | Returns, in a List object, all Media attached to a Report including those uploaded to the Cloud. The ReportID must be passed in. A single media item is returned if the MediaID is provided. |
GetUpdatedClaims | Returns, in a List object, all claims updated since the date provided as a parameter. Will return system claimID, File# and secondary File # for use in other searches or methods. |
GetUsers | Returns, in a List object, all active users based on the parameters submitted. Users may be selected by client company (name or ID), role, or last name. |
FileTracClaimID (int)
Search for claims by the system ID of an individual claim.
FileTracFileNumber (string)
Search for claims by the File # of the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
FileTracClaimNumber (string)
Search for claims by the File Id of the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
ClientCompanyID (int)
Search for claims by the ID of the company returned in the GetClientCompanies method.
ClientCompanyName (string)
Search for claims by the Client Company name exactly as it appears within FileTrac.
PolicyNumber (string)
Search for claims by the claim policy number.
DateStart (string in mm/dd/yyyy format)
Search for claims by date – DateStart is the first date of the range of claims to be retrieved
This parameter references the date the claim was entered into our system.
DateEnd (string in mm/dd/yyyy format)
Search for claims by date – DateEnd is the end date of the range of claims to be retrieved.
This parameter references the date the claim was entered into our system.
FileTracClaimIDs (array of int)
Search for many claimIDs at once in a list.
Appendix II - GetClaimData return values & mapping
Appendix III - If issues arise, review the ResponseCode and reference Appendix III, where each return code is defined
- If multiple search parameters are provided, returns the union of claims that would be found for each search parameter individually. The only exception is DateStart and DateEnd, which work together to specify a date range to look for.
- DateStart and DateEnd are, themselves, insufficient search criteria – they only restrict the result set returned by other search criteria, of which one must be provided.
- Must provide a DateStart to search for a date range. If DateStart is provided and DateEnd is not, DateEnd will be set to the current date.
- All lists of elements on each returned claim will be null (like the list of reports, list of invoices). Pass a single claimID to the “GetClaimDetail” endpoint to have these lists populated.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The system ID of the individual claim.
Appendix II - GetClaimData return values & mapping
Appendix III - If issues arise, review the ResponseCode and reference Appendix III, where each return code is defined
- Null will be returned if the claim is not found, or if the user does not have access to the given claim.
- On the returned claim, includes lists of Secondary Adjusters, Notes, Note Emails, Reports, Contacts, Claim Shares, Contracts, Invoices, Invoice Summaries, Invoice Expenses, Reserves, Reserve Changes, Reserve Recoveries, and Reserve Payments.
FileTracClaimID (int)
The system ID of the individual claim.
FileTracFileNumber (string)
The File # of the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
NoteID (int)
The system ID of the individual note being retrieved.
VisibleToClientOnly (boolean)
Default is false. Set true to return only those notes marked as visible to client within FileTrac.
IncludeNoteEmail (boolean)
Default is false. Set true to include emails associated with the Note.
- Either a FileNumber, ClaimID or MessageID must be supplied. If multiple parameters are supplied, returns the union of claim notes that would be found for each search parameter individually.
FileTracClaimID (int)
The system ID of the individual claim.
FileTracFileNumber (string)
The File # of the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
FileTracReportID (int)
The system ID of the individual report.
ExcludeConfidential (int)
An indicator, 0/1 for no/yes, for reports marked as confidential within FileTrac.
ExcludeDuplicateNameSuffix (int)
An indicator, 0/1 for no/yes, to prevent duplicate report names from being updated with a suffix. Ex. doc.pdf, doc_1.pdf, doc_2.pdf.
- Either a FileNumber, a ClaimID or a reportID must be supplied. If multiple parameters are supplied, returns the union of claim reports that would be found for each search parameter individually.
- When ExcludeConfidential is set none of the reports flagged in FileTrac as exclusions are returned.
- As FileTrac allows for multiple reports with the same title, unless otherwise indicated, duplicated report names will have an underscore and a number appended to the name (*_2) with the higher numbers representing the more recent reports based on the reportDate.
- When retrieving large reports (30MB+) off the Cloud expect delays. FileTrac recommends retrieving
large reports with separate calls to the API as a claim with reports totaling 100MB+ could take several minutes.
- Results are returned in a List object, where each item in the list represents a report.
CompanyName (string)
The partial name of the companies for which you’re searching.
IncludeInactives (boolean)
Set true to retrieve all companies. By default method returns active companies only.
- Returns a list of active client companies in the FileTrac system that the user has access to.
- The CompanyName parameter is optional to filter results down.
ClientCompanyID (int)
The ID of the company returned in the GetClientCompanies method.
ClientCompanyName (string)
The Client Company name exactly as it appears within FileTrac.
- Either a ClientCompanyID or ClientCompanyName must be supplied. If both are supplied, returns the union of client contacts that would be found for each search parameter individually.
- Contact Types are not editable by the IA. All Types, whether imported into FileTrac at the IA’s request or system generated, are returned. If creating a contact in an Add method the ContactTypeID or ContactType is required.
InvoiceID (int)
Search for invoices by the system ID of the individual invoice.
InvoiceNumber (string)
Search for invoices by the Invoice # of the invoice within the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
FileTracClaimID (int)
Search for invoices by the system ID of the individual claim.
FileTracFileNumber (string)
Search for invoices by the File # of the claim as it appears in FileTrac.
DateStart (string in mm/dd/yyyy format)
Search for invoices by date – DateStart is the first date of the range of invoices to be retrieved.
DateEnd (string in mm/dd/yyyy format)
Search for invoices by date – DateEnd is the end date of the range of invoices to be retrieved.
- If multiple search parameters are provided, returns the union of invoices that would be found for each search parameter individually. The only exception is DateStart and DateEnd, which work together to specify a date range to look for.
- Must provide a DateStart to search for a date range. If DateStart is provided and DateEnd is not, DateEnd will be set to the current date.
- For each returned invoice, the list of Services and the list of Expenses will be null. To have these lists populated, pass a single invoiceID to the “GetInvoiceDetail” endpoint.
InvoiceID (int) *required
The system ID of the individual invoice.
- Null will be returned if the invoice is not found, or if the user does not have access to the given invoice.
- The list of Services and the list of Expenses will be populated on the returned invoice.
- All Recovery Types, those editable by the IA and the system generated Types, are returned. If adding a Recovery thru AddReserveRecovery the RecoveryTypeID or RecoveryType is required.
MediaID (int)
The system ID of the individual attachment.
ReportID (int)
The system ID of the individual report.
- Either a mediaID or a reportID must be supplied. If both are supplied, returns the union of report media objects that would be found for each search parameter individually.
- When retrieving large objects (30MB+) off the Cloud expect delays.
ClientCompanyID (int)
The ID of the company returned in the GetClientCompanies method.
ClientCompanyName (string)
The Client Company name exactly as it appears within FileTrac.
UserRole (string)
The Role of the user (Adjuster, ClaimsRep, etc.) exactly as it appears within FileTrac.
LastNameSearch (string)
Either the full last name or the beginning letter(s) of the users last name. If ‘Ab’ is entered then all active users whose names beginning with ‘Ab’ are returned.
- If multiple search parameters are supplied, returns the union of users that would be found for each search parameter individually.
ClientCompanyID (int)
The ID of the company returned in the GetClientCompanies method.
ClientCompanyName (string)
The Client Company name exactly as it appears within FileTrac.
DateFrom (datetime)
The start of the date range used to return updated claims. End of range is always current date. Claims returned include all those the user has access to for which there has been audit activity (i.e. a change to the claim itself), reserve changes, messages, or reports added after the DateFrom time.
ExcludeClaimsOfBDXCompanies (boolean)
Default is false. Allows IA to limit claims to those not from a BDX carrier.
- Returns a List object with the information for each of the active claim where an entry is visible in one of the change logs.
Insert/Update Methods |
AddClaim | Creates a new claim within FileTrac or updates a subset of new claim fields for an existing claim. Returns the claimID if successful. By default, creates the File# using the AUTO prefix setting within FileTrac (can be configured by Adj Co). Validates the CustomerCompany ID or Name before creating a new claim. If no ClientUserID for the Claim Rep is provided, the default UNASSIGNED Rep is used. |
AddClaimContact | Inserts new Claim Contact for an existing claim. Returns the contact ID of the new contact when submitted successfully. Expects the ClaimID to be provided. |
AddClaimNote | Inserts new Claim Notes for an existing claim. Returns the message ID of the note when submitted successfully. Expects the ClaimID to be provided. |
UpdateClaimDates | Updates an existing claim with new date of contact and date of inspection information. |
AddDeductiblePayment | Inserts a payment against the deductible. Returns a unique DeductiblePaymentID and a success/failure message. |
AddInvoicePayment | Inserts a payment against an invoice. Returns a unique InvoicePaymentID and a success/failure message unless payment exceeds balance of invoice. If balance exceeded, creates an ‘excess record’ and returns a unique InvoicePaymentID plus a recordID for the excess payment in the message field. |
AddReserve | Inserts a new reserve or updates an existing reserve. Returns a ReserveID and a success/failure message. |
AddReservePayment | Inserts a payment against the selected reserve. Returns a unique ReservePaymentID and a success/failure message. |
AddReserveRecovery | Inserts a recovery associated with the selected reserve. Returns a unique ReserveRecoveryID and a success/failure message. |
UploadReport | Inserts a document, passed as a binary object, for an existing claim. Returns the ReportID if successful. |
Parameters (required)
ClientCompanyID (int) *required
The unique companyID retrieved from the GetClientCompanies method.
ClientCompanyName (string)
The unique companyName retrieved from the GetClientCompanies method. Could also be hard-coded provided it matches the entry in FileTrac exactly. Can be used as a substitute for ClientCompanyID.
ClientClaimNum (string) *required
Corresponds to the ‘Client Claim #’ field.
Appendix IV - AddClaim input values & mapping lists all values accepted for input.
- Returns the claimID (unique system ID) for a new claim. Returns the claimID of the existing claim for an update. Returns 0 if the insert/update could not be made.
- When Branch supplied a custom File # will be used if one is associated with that branch. If no branch is provided then the first branch listed in FileTrac will be used.
- ClientCompanyName can be used as a substitute for ClientCompanyID but the spelling of the name must match exactly what’s in FileTrac.
- A friendly error message will be returned for most instances where there’s an issue with data processed.
- Not all fields are updated – only those above marked as ‘update’ after the data type.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The system ID of an individual claim. The return value of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData method.
ContactType (ContactType)
The type of contact, call GetContactTypes to receive a list of acceptable contact types.
ContactIsPrimary (Boolean)
Is this the primary contact
[Contact information (strings)]
ContactFirstName, ContactLastName, ContactCompany, ContactCode, ContactDescription, ContactOccupation, ContactHomePhone, ContactCellPhone, ContactOfficePhone, ContactFax, ContactEmail, ContactAddress1, ContactAddress2, ContactCity, ContactState, ContactZip, Contact Country, ContactNotes
ContactGender (ContactGender)
Male or Female
- Returns the contactID when successful. Returns 0 if the note could not be inserted.
- Returns a response message
- N/A
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The system ID of an individual claim. The return value of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData method.
Note (string)
The text of the note to be entered for the claim. Limited to 4000 characters.
VisibleToClient (bool)
Is this note visible to the client?
NoteDateTimeStamp (dateTime)
The date and time of the note.
NoteUserID (int)
The Id of the user creating this note.
NoteUserFirstName (string)
NoteUserLastName (string)
The name of the user creating this note.
- Returns the noteID when successful. Returns 0 if the note could not be inserted.
- Notes cannot be updated.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The system ID of an individual claim. The return value of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData method.
DateOfContact (dateTime)
The date of first contact
DateOfInspection (dateTime)
The date of an inspection
- Returns the ClaimId when successful. Returns 0 if the note could not be inserted.
- Returns a response message
- N/A
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The unique system ID of a claim. The response of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData and GetUpdatedClaims methods as FileTracClaimID.
PayeeID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the contact within the claim. This differs from the UserID returned in GetUsers as that ID is the unique identifier for that user within the system. The unique ID of the contact within the claim is returned as the ID field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
If the PayeeID is not supplied then a new contact can be created. That would require the payeeName and Type or TypeID:
PayeeFirstName (string)
The first name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeLastName (string)
The last name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeContactTypeID (int)
The unique system ID of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The ID is returned as the ContactTypeID in the GetContactTypes method. This is NOT the same value returned as the ID in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method. That ID represents the contact, not the contactType.
PayeeContactType (string)
The name/description of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The type name/description is returned as the ContactType in the GetContactTypes method. This is also the same value returned as the Type field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
PaymentDate (datetime)
The date of the payment.
PaymentCheckNumber (string)
The check number associated with the payment.
PaymentInvoiceNumber (string)
The invoice number associated with the payment.
PaymentTaxID (string)
The tax ID associated with payment.
PaymentAmount (decimal)
The amount of the payment. Cents are not required.
PaymentMemo (string)
The memo associated with the payment. This is NOT the memo that appears on the check.
- Returns the DeductiblePaymentID when successful along with a message of “Success”.
- Returns 0 for the DeductiblePaymentID is unsuccessful along with message identifying the failure.
- Payments are not updateable. To void a payment simply enter a second payment with a negative value.
- A contact must be selected else a new contact created within the claim.
- Payment cannot exceed the deductible less prior payments made against it.
InvoiceID (int) *required
The unique system ID of the invoice. This value is returned as ‘ID’ from the endpoints “GetInvoiceSummaries” and “GetInvoiceDetail”. It is also returned on the Invoice objects (as ‘ID’) of the “GetClaimDetails” method.
PaymentDate (datetime)
The date of the payment.
PaymentCheckNumber (string)
The check number associated with the payment.
PaymentAmount (decimal)
The amount of the payment. Cents are not required.
- Returns the InvoicePaymentID when successful along with a message of “Success”.
- If the payment exceeds the unpaid balance of the invoice, the payment is split in two payments:
- Payment one matches the unpaid balance of the invoice. The InvoicePaymentID is returned for this entry.
- Payment two, the “excess payment”, is set to the amount that the initial payment exceeded the unpaid balance of the invoice. The PaymentID for this entry is returned in ResponseMessage.
- Returns 0 for the InvoicePaymentID is unsuccessful along with a message identifying the failure.
- Payments are not updateable.
- An “excess payment” can be made just once per invoice. Once the invoice is paid in full no additional payments can be made against that invoice.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The unique system ID of a claim. The response of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData and GetUpdatedClaims methods as FileTracClaimID.
ReserveTypeID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the type of reserve with FileTrac.
ReserveTypeName (string)
The name of the type of reserve within FileTrac. The type of reserve (ex. “Legal Expenses”) should be unique to the claim but may not be. This parameter can be used as a substitute for the reserveTypeID if the reserve type is, in fact, unique.
ContactID (int)
This field is optional. If no contact ID is supplied, or one can’t be determined from the contact names, the reserve will be created as a claim-level reserve. The contactID is the unique identifier of the contact within the claim. This differs from the UserID returned in GetUsers as that ID is the unique identifier for that user within the system. The unique ID of the contact within the claim is returned as the ID field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method. A contact cannot be added to the claim thru this method.
ContactFirstName (string)
Optional. The first name of the contact within the claim as it exists within FileTrac.
ContactLastName (string)
Optional. The last name of the contact within the claim as it exists within FileTrac.
ReserveDate (datetime)
The date of the payment.
ReserveAmount (decimal)
The amount of the payment. Cents are not required.
ReserveChangeReason (string)
The reason associated with a change to the reserve. Not required when inserting new a reserve.
- Returns the ReserveID when successful along with a message of “Success”.
- Returns 0 for the ReserveID is unsuccessful along with message identifying the failure.
- Reserves are updateable.
- Reserves cannot be decremented to a value less than the payments made against them.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The unique system ID of a claim. The response of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData and GetUpdatedClaims methods as FileTracClaimID.
ReserveID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the reserve within the claim.
ReserveName (string)
The name of the reserve within the claim. The reserve should be unique to the claim but may not be. This parameter can be used as a substitute for the reserveID if the reserve is, in fact, unique.
PayeeID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the contact within the claim. This differs from the UserID returned in GetUsers as that ID is the unique identifier for that user within the system. The unique ID of the contact within the claim is returned as the ID field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
If the PayeeID is not supplied then a new contact can be created. That would require the payeeName and either Type or TypeID:
PayeeFirstName (string)
The first name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeLastName (string)
The last name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeContactTypeID (int)
The unique system ID of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The ID is returned as the ContactTypeID in the GetContactTypes method. This is NOT the same value returned as the ID in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method. That ID represents the contact, not the contactType.
PayeeContactType (string)
The name/description of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The type name/description is returned as the ContactType in the GetContactTypes method. This is also the same value returned as the Type field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
PaymentDate (datetime)
The date of the payment.
PaymentCheckNumber (string)
The check number associated with the payment.
PaymentInvoiceNumber (string)
The invoice number associated with the payment.
PaymentTaxID (string)
The tax ID associated with payment.
PaymentAmount (decimal)
The amount of the payment. Cents are not required.
PaymentMemo (string)
The memo associated with the payment. This is NOT the memo that appears on the check.
- Returns the ReservePaymentID when successful along with a message of “Success”.
- Returns 0 for the ReservePaymentID is unsuccessful along with message identifying the failure.
- Payments are not updateable. To void a payment simply enter a second payment with a negative value.
- A contact must be selected else a new contact created within the claim.
- Payment cannot exceed the reserve less prior payments made against it.
FileTracClaimID (int) *required
The unique system ID of a claim. The response of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimData and GetUpdatedClaims methods as FileTracClaimID.
ReserveID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the reserve within the claim.
ReserveName (string)
The name of the reserve within the claim. The reserve should be unique to the claim but may not be. This parameter can be used as a substitute for the reserveID if the reserve is, in fact, unique.
PayeeID (int) *required
The unique identifier of the contact within the claim. This differs from the UserID returned in GetUsers as that ID is the unique identifier for that user within the system. The unique ID of the contact within the claim is returned as the ID field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
If the PayeeID is not supplied then a new contact can be created. That would require the payeeName and either Type or TypeID:
PayeeFirstName (string)
The first name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeLastName (string)
The last name of the contact as it exists within FileTrac.
PayeeContactTypeID (int)
The unique system ID of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The ID is returned as the ContactTypeID in the GetContactTypes method. This is NOT the same value returned as the ID in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method. That ID represents the contact, not the contactType.
PayeeContactType (string)
The name/description of the type of contact to be added to the claim. The type name/description is returned as the ContactType in the GetContactTypes method. This is also the same value returned as the Type field in the Contact object within the GetClaimData method.
RecoveryDate (datetime)
The date of the recovery.
RecoveryCheckNumber (string)
The check number associated with the recovery.
RecoveryInvoiceNumber (string)
The invoice number associated with the recovery.
RecoveryTaxID (string)
The tax ID associated with recovery.
RecoveryAmount (decimal)
The amount of the recovery. Cents are not required.
RecoveryMemo (string)
The memo associated with the recovery. This is NOT the memo that appears on the check.
- Returns the ReserveRecoveryID when successful along with a message of “Success”.
- Returns 0 for the ReserveRecoveryID is unsuccessful along with message identifying the failure.
- Recovery is not updateable. To void a recovery simply enter a second recovery with a negative value.
- A contact must be selected else a new contact created within the claim.
- Recovery Amount is NOT reflected in the Incurred or Reserve Balance.
ReportFile (binary)
The actual physical file passed to the method as binary.
UserID (int)
Not required. The systemID of the owner of the document, typically the adjuster.
ClaimID (int)
The system ID of the individual claim. The return value of the AddClaim method and also returned in the GetClaimSummaries and GetClaimDetail methods.
ReportFileName (string)
The name of the file being uploaded, as viewed in Windows Explorer.
ReportTitle (string)
The title of the file as it will appear in FileTrac. Will use ReportFileName is not supplied.
ReportDescription (string)
The file description as it appears in FileTrac.
ReportDateTimeStamp (dateTime)
The timestamp of the report
PrintedFlag (boolean)
Has this report been printed? If so, the print dateTime is set to now.
- Files are not updateable through this method.
Appendix I – Error Codes
Error Message | Methods |
ERROR - Claim does not exist for that Adjusting Company | AddClaimNote |
ERROR inserting Note | GetClaimData |
ERROR extracting claim data | AddClaim GetClientContacts |
ERROR - The companyID supplied is not a valid ID for this adjusting company | AddClaim GetClientContacts |
ERROR - The companyName supplied does not match any companyName for this adjusting company | GetClientContacts AddClaim |
ERROR - Both the companyID and the CompanyName supplied are invalid for this adjusting company | GetClientContacts AddClaim |
ERROR retrieving Client Contacts | GetClientContacts |
Branch for ACID not defined | AddClaim |
Error in inserting unassigned ClaimRep | AddClaim |
Error in inserting claim | AddClaim |
Error in inserting into claimContacts | AddClaim |
Error in inserting into Message table | AddClaim |
Error in updating claim | AddClaim |
Error in UPDATING claimContacts | AddClaim |
ERROR – No Note found for that messageID | GetClaimNotes |
ERROR – No Notes found for that claimID/File # | GetClaimNotes |
ERROR retrieving Notes | GetClaimNotes |
ERROR – No Report found for that reportID | GetClaimReports |
ERROR – No Claim Reports found for the claimID/File# provided | GetClaimReports |
ERROR retrieving Reports | GetClaimReports |
ERROR inserting/updating Reserve | AddReserve |
(1) Claim not found - invalid claimID and/or File# | AddReserve |
(2) Reserve Type not found - invalid reserveID and/or reserveName | AddReserve |
(3) Invalid contactID or contactName supplied: xxxxxx | AddReserve |
(4) Cannot change reserve to amount lower than payments already against the reserve. | AddReserve |
ERROR inserting Reserve Payment. | AddReservePayment |
(1) Claim not found - invalid claimID or File Number | AddReservePayment |
(2) Invalid contactID supplied: xxxxxx | AddReservePayment |
(3) Invalid contact information supplied: 'contactFirstName contactLastName’ for Type: contactType | AddReservePayment |
(4) Payment amount exceeds balance of reserve. | AddReservePayment |
ERROR inserting Reserve Recovery. | AddReserveRecovery |
(1) Claim not found - invalid claimID or File Number | AddReserveRecovery |
(2) Invalid contactID supplied: contactID | AddReserveRecovery |
(3) Invalid contact information supplied: 'contactFirstName contactLastName’ for Type: contactType | AddReserveRecovery |
(4) Invalid recovery type information supplied. ID: 'recoveryTypeID' or Type: 'recoveryType’ | AddReserveRecovery |
ERROR inserting Deductible Payment. | AddDeductiblePayment |
(1) Claim not found - invalid claimID or File Number | AddDeductiblePayment |
(2) Invalid contactID supplied: 'contactID' | AddDeductiblePayment |
(3) Invalid contact information supplied: 'contactFirstName contactLastName' for Type: 'contactType’ | AddDeductiblePayment |
(4) Payment amount exceeds balance of deductible | AddDeductiblePayment |
(1) Invoice not found - invalid InvoiceID or InvoiceNumber | AddInvoicePayment |
(2) Invoice has already been paid in full. Unable to apply additional payments | AddInvoicePayment |
Appendix II - GetClaimData return values & mapping
Root Properties |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
FileTracClaimNumber | string | Edit Claim | Client Claim # |
FileTracFileNumber | string |
FileTracClaimID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Claim |
FileNumber | string | Edit Claim | File # |
SecondaryFileNumber | string | Edit Claim | Secondary File # |
ClaimStatus | string | Edit Claim | Claim Status |
ClaimDateReceived | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date Received |
AssignedDate | dateTime | - | - | found in reporting |
AcceptedDate | dateTime | - | - | found in reporting |
DueDate | dateTime | Manage Claims | Status/Due | also on Claim Status page |
ReOpenDate | dateTime | - | - | found in reporting |
ClosedDate | dateTime | - | - | found in reporting |
SeriousClaim | string | Edit Claim | Total Loss – Urgent Contact |
InLitigation | string | Edit Claim | Claim is in Litigation |
IsCoverageClaim | boolean | Edit Claim | Coverage Claim | visible to Bordereau IAs |
IsDefenseClaim | boolean | Edit Claim | Defense Claim | visible to Bordereau IAs |
IsAttorneyRepClaim | boolean | Edit Claim | Attorney Rep Claim | visible to Bordereau IAs |
SupervisorName | string | Edit Claim | Assign Supervisor |
SupervisorID | int | - | - |
ManagerName | string | Edit Claim | Assign Manager |
ManagerID | int | - | - |
AdjusterName | string | Edit Claim | Assign Adjuster |
AdjusterID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to User |
ClientContactName | string | Edit Claim | Client Contact | see also GetUsers |
ClientContactID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to User |
ClientCompanyName | string | Edit Claim | Client Company | see also GetClientCompanies |
ClientCompanyCode | string | Edit Company | Company Code | see also GetClientCompanies |
ClientCompanyBDX | string | Edit Company | BDX Account | see also GetClientCompanies |
ClientCompanyID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Company |
BranchName | string | Edit Claim | Assign Branch |
BranchID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Branch |
CATCode | string | Edit Claim | CAT Code |
PolicyNumber | string | Edit Claim | Policy # | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
PolicyType | string | Edit Claim | Policy Type | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
PolicyEffectiveDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | Policy Effective Date | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
PolicyExpirationDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | Policy Expiration Date | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
InsuredFirstName | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) First Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
InsuredLastName | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Last Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
InsuredMortgagee | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Mortgagee |
InsuredCompany | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Company | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) |
LoanNumber | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Loan # |
InsuredAddr1 | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Street Address |
InsuredAddr2 | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Address 2 |
InsuredCity | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) City |
InsuredState | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) State |
InsuredZip | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) ZIP |
InsuredCountry | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Country |
InsuredPhone1 | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Phone # |
InsuredPhone2 | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) AlternatePhone# |
InsuredEmail | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Email |
Occupancy | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Occupancy |
ConstructionType | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Construction Type |
MajorityDamage | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Majority Damage Claim |
LossAddr1 | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) Street Address |
LossAddr2 | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) Address 2 |
LossCity | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) City |
LossState | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) State |
LossZip | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) ZIP |
LossCounty | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) County |
LossCountry | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) Country |
DateOfLoss | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date of Loss |
LossType | string | Edit Claim | Type of Loss |
LossUnit | string | Edit Claim | (Loss Information) Unit |
LossDescription | string | Edit Claim | Loss Description |
AdjustmentType | string | Edit Claim | Type of Adjustment |
LOBCode | string | Edit Claim | Statutory LOB Code |
ISOCode | string | Edit Claim | ISO Code |
CauseCode | string | Edit Claim | Claim Cause Code |
DateOfContact | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date of First Contact |
DateOfInspection | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date of Inspection |
Deductible | decimal | Edit Claim | Deductible | also in Financials ($) module |
WindDeductible | decimal | Edit Claim | Wind Deductible |
ClaimRCV | decimal | Edit Claim | RCV |
ClaimACV | decimal | Edit Claim | ACV |
ClaimAmount | decimal | Edit Claim | Amount of Claim |
CoverageA | string | Edit Claim | Coverage A | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
CoverageB | string | Edit Claim | Coverage B | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
CoverageC | string | Edit Claim | Coverage C | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
CoverageD | string | Edit Claim | Coverage D | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
CoverageE | string | Edit Claim | Coverage E | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
CoverageF | string | Edit Claim | Coverage F | coverage name updatable via dropdown |
Premium | string | Edit Claim | Premium |
OccurrenceLimit | string | Edit Claim | Occurrence Limit |
PremiseNumber | string | Edit Claim | Premise No. |
BuildingNumber | string | Edit Claim | Building No. |
MedicareBodilyInjury | string | Edit Claim | Medicare: Bodily Injury | returns Yes/No |
MedicareEligible | string | Edit Claim | Medicare Eligible | also on Edit Contact for primary insured or claimant - returns Yes/No |
MedicareHICN | string | Edit Claim | (Medicare Eligible line) HICN | also on Edit Contact for primary insured or claimant – returns Yes/No |
MedicareRequest | string | Edit Claim | Medicare Request | returns Yes/No |
MedicareRequestDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | (Medicare Request line) untitled |
MedicareRefused | string | Edit Claim | Medicare Refused | returns Yes/No |
ReferToUnderwriters | string | Edit Claim | Refer to Underwriters | returns Yes/No |
ReferToUnderwritersDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | (Refer To Underwriters line) untitled |
ROR | string | Edit Claim | Reservation Of Rights | returns Yes/No |
RORDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | (Reservation Of Rights) untitled |
SubrogationPossible | string | Edit Claim | Subrogation Possibility |
SubrogationPossibleDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | (Subrogation Possibility line) untitled |
Denied | string | Edit Claim | Claim Denied | returns Yes/No |
DeniedDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | (Claim Denied line) untitled |
ExceedsAuthority | string | - | - | returns No |
FirstReportDate | dateTime | - | - | generated on extract. First date of a report of type within FT report types list |
SpecialInstructions | string | Edit Claim | Special Instructions |
Latitude | string | - | - | generated when loss location added |
Longitude | string | - | - | generated when loss location added |
AdjustmentCompletedDate | dateTime | Edit Claim |
LossFormWrittenUnder | string | Edit Claim | (Primary Insured) Loss Form Written Under (Policy Form) |
CountyTier | int | Edit Claim | (Loss Location) |
TotalInsuredValue | string | Edit Claim | (Coverage Information) |
PSCCode | string |
| More info coming |
FloodContentsLocation | string | Edit Claim | Contents Location |
FloodContentsDescription | string | Edit Claim | Contents Desc |
FloodBuildingDescription | string | Edit Claim | Building Description |
FloodProgram | string | Edit Claim | Program |
FloodRisk | string | Edit Claim | Risk |
FloodCommunityNumber | string | Edit Claim | Community # |
FloodCommunityName | string | Edit Claim | Community Name |
FloodIsPostFirm | boolean | Edit Claim | Post FIRM | returns true/false |
FloodFirmDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | FIRM Date |
FloodIsPrincipleResidence | boolean | Edit Claim | Principle Residence | returns true/false |
FloodZone | string | Edit Claim | Flood Zone |
FloodEnclosureType | string | Edit Claim | Enclosure Type |
FloodCondoCode | string | Edit Claim | Condo Code |
FloodNumberOfFloors | int | Edit Claim | Number of Floors |
FloodLowestFloorElevation | string | Edit Claim | Lowest Floor Elevation |
FloodIsElevated | boolean | Edit Claim | Elevated | returns true/false |
FloodBaseElevation | string | Edit Claim | Base elevation |
FloodConstructionDate | dateTime | Edit Claim | Construction Date |
FloodGarage | string | Edit Claim | Garage |
FloodRemarks | string | Edit Claim | (Flood) Remarks |
FloodCWOPReason | string | Edit Claim | CWOP Reason |
FloodInteriorWaterDepth | decimal | Edit Claim | Interior Water Depth |
FloodExteriorWaterDepth | decimal | Edit Claim | Exterior Water Depth |
FloodIsControlMeasureFailure | boolean | Edit Claim | Was flood associated with failure of flood control measures | returns true/false |
FloodIsUnnaturalCauses | boolean | Edit Claim | Did other than natural causes contribute to flooding | returns true/false |
FloodWaterRemainedDays | int | Edit Claim | Time Water Remained Days |
FloodWaterRemainedHours | int | Edit Claim | Time Water Remained Hours |
FloodIsRCCoverageQualifier | boolean | Edit Claim | Insured qualifies for R/C coverage | returns true/false |
FloodCharacteristic | string | Edit Claim | Flood Characteristic |
FloodDateWaterEntered | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date Water Entered |
FloodDateWaterReceded | dateTime | Edit Claim | Date Water Receded |
FloodContentsAdvancePaymentAmount | decimal | - | - |
FloodBuildingAdvancePaymentAmount | decimal | - | - |
Reports |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ReportID | int | - | - | system ID unique to the Report |
ReportTitle | string | Edit Report | Report Title | also on Report View page |
ReportFileName | string | Report View | File Name link |
ReportDate | dateTime | Edit Report | Report Date | also on Report View page |
Confidential | int | Edit Report | Confidential | returns 1 if true else 0 |
Notes |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
FileTracClaimID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Claim |
FileTracFileNumber | string | Diary Notes | (Header) File # |
NoteID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Note |
UserID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User owning Note |
UserFirstName | string | Diary Notes | User column |
UserLastName | string | Diary Notes | User column |
VisibleToClient | string | Diary Notes | Italic in upper right Comment | returns ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ |
NoteTimeStamp | dateTime | Diary Notes | Upper left of comment |
Note | string | Diary Notes | Comment below TimeStamp | the actual text body of the note |
Emails (in Notes object) | visible via View Email link in comment | |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
From | string | Email View | From |
To | string | Email View | To |
CC | string | Email View | CC |
BCC | string | Email View | BCC |
Subject | string | Email View | Subject |
Body | string | Email View | Content below subject line |
Date | dateTime | Email View | Sent |
SecondaryAdjusters |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Secondary assignment |
UserID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User |
UserFirstName | string | Assigned Adjuster | Assigned Adjuster | thru Secondary Adjusters link |
UserLastName | string | Assigned Adjuster | Assigned Adjuster | thru Secondary Adjusters link |
Invoices |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Invoice |
Number | string | Invoice Worksheet | Invoice # |
Date | dateTime | Invoice Worksheet | Date |
DueDate | dateTime | Invoice Worksheet | Due |
Label | string | - | - | system Invoice Status (ex. Supplemental) |
Void | string | Invoice Worksheet | Void (checkbox) | returns Yes/No |
VoidDate | dateTime | Invoice Worksheet | Void (date field) |
AssociatedUser | string | Invoice Worksheet | User Associated with this Invoice |
AssociatedUserID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User |
Total | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | Total of Billable Items |
Tax | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | untitle field to right of % Tax |
TaxRate | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | % Tax |
Notes | string | Invoice Worksheet | Entry Notes to appear on this Invoice |
Services (in Invoices object) | Listed under ‘Total Time & Expense from Adjuster Timelog’ section | |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
Include | string | Invoice Worksheet | Include | returns Yes/No |
Label | string | Service & Fees | Service Category/Label | Category to which the service belongs (link off Settings page), aka Service name |
AdjusterFirstName | string | Invoice Worksheet | Adjuster |
AdjusterLastName | string | Invoice Worksheet | Adjuster |
AdjusterID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User |
Date | dateTime | Invoice Worksheet | Svc Date |
Name | string | Invoice Worksheet | Svc Name |
Code | string | Invoice Worksheet | Code |
Description | string | Invoice Worksheet | Description |
Quantity | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | Qty |
Cost | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | Cost | this is per unit cost not total |
Expenses (in Invoices object) | Listed under ‘Other Expense from Adjuster Timelog’ section | |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
Include | string | Invoice Worksheet | Include | returns Yes/No |
Taxable | string | Invoice Worksheet | Taxable | returns Yes/No |
Reimburse | string | Invoice Worksheet | Reimburse | returns Yes/No |
AdjusterFirstName | string | Invoice Worksheet | Adjuster |
AdjusterLastName | string | Invoice Worksheet | Adjuster |
AdjusterID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User |
Date | dateTime | Invoice Worksheet | Svc Date |
Description | string | Invoice Worksheet | Description |
Cost | decimal | Invoice Worksheet | Cost | the amount of the expense |
Contracts | Contracts associated directly with Companies | |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Contract |
Name | string | Edit Contract | Contract Name |
Code | string | Edit Contract | Contract Code |
ClientCompanyID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Company |
ClientCompanyName | string | Edit Company | Company Name |
CompanyCode | string | Edit Company | Company Code |
CompanyBDX | string | Edit Company | BDX Account | returns Yes/No |
DateStart | dateTime | Edit Contract | Contract Start Date |
DateEnd | dateTime | Edit Contract | Contract End Date |
YOA | string | Edit Contract | Year of Account |
UMR | string | Edit Contract | UMR |
AuthorityLevel | decimal | Edit Contract | Authority Level |
Notes | string | Edit Contract | Contract Notes |
CoverholderCompanyID | int | - | - |
CoverholderCompanyName | string | Edit Contract | Contract Coverholder |
SyndicateCompanyID | int | - | - |
SyndicateCompanyName | string | Edit Contract | Contract Syndicate |
SyndicateCompanyNumber | string | Edit Company | Syndicate # |
LossFund | decimal | Edit Contract | Loss Fund |
BrokerReferenceNumber | string | Edit Contract | Broker Reference # |
CreateDate | dateTime | - | - | system date of contract creation |
Reserves |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Reserve |
Category | string | Settings | Reserve Types | Category to which the Type belongs |
Type | string | Financials | Reserve Type |
Date | dateTime | Reserve Changes | Date Changed | where reason is ‘Initial Reserve’ |
Updated | dateTime | Reserve Changes | Date Changed |
Code | string | - | - | transaction Code for import only |
Incurred | decimal | Financials | Incurred |
| ||||
Changes (in Reserves object) | Reserve Changes page accessed clicking on incurred amount | |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Reserve Change |
Date | dateTime | Reserve Changes | Date Changed |
ChangedFrom | decimal | Reserve Changes | Old Amount |
ChangedTo | decimal | Reserve Changes | New Amount |
Reason | string | Reserve Changes | Reason Changed |
Code | string | - | - | transaction Code for import only |
UserID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User changing Reserve |
UserName | string | - | - | name of User changing Reserve |
Payments (in Reserves object) |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Payment |
Date | dateTime | Reserve Payment | Payment Date |
Amount | decimal | Reserve Payment | Amount |
ReasonCode | string | - | - | transaction Code for import only |
PayeeName | string | Reserve Payment | Payable to |
PayeeID | int | - | - | system ID unique to User being paid |
InvoiceNumber | string | Reserve Payment | Invoice # |
TaxID | string | Reserve Payment | Tax ID |
Memo | string | Reserve Payment | Memo |
Check (in Payments object) |
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
CheckID | int |
| More info coming |
CheckDate | dateTime |
| More info coming |
AccoutID | int |
| More info coming |
CheckNumber | string |
| More info coming |
Amount | decimal |
| More info coming |
Memo | string |
| More info coming |
ModifiedDate | dateTime |
| More info coming |
CheckAddressee | string |
| More info coming |
CheckAddr1 | string |
| More info coming |
CheckAddr2 | string |
| More info coming |
CheckCity | string |
| More info coming |
CheckState | string |
| More info coming |
CheckZip | string |
| More info coming |
Payee (in Check object) |
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
PayeeContactId | int |
| More info coming |
PayeeContactType | string |
| More info coming |
PayeeFirstName | string |
| More info coming |
PayeeLastName | string |
| More info coming |
PayeeEmail | string |
| More info coming |
PayeePhone | string |
| More info coming |
Recovery (in Reserves Object) | ||||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int |
| More info coming |
Date | dateTime |
| More info coming |
Amount | decimal |
| More info coming |
ReasonCode | string |
| More info coming |
PayeeName | string |
| More info coming |
PayeeID | Int |
| More info coming |
InvoiceNumber | string |
| More info coming |
TaxID | string |
| More info coming |
Memo | string |
| More info coming |
ClaimShares |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Claim Share |
UserID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Client Contact |
Percent | decimal | Claim Share | Header /Share % |
FileID | string | Claim Share | Header/Client Claim # | a.k.a. ClaimNumber |
UserFirstName | string | Claim Share | Header /Client Contact |
UserLastName | string | Claim Share | Header /Client Contact |
ContractID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Contract |
ContractName | string | Claim Share | Header/’Contract/Treaty’ |
PolicyNumber | string | Claim Share | Header/Policy # |
CompanyID | int | - | - | system ID unique to Client Company |
CompanyName | string | Claim Share | Header/Client Name |
CompanyAddr1 | string | Claim Share | Header/Client Name |
CompanyCity | string | Claim Share | Header/Client Name |
CompanyState | string | Claim Share | Header/Client Name |
Contacts |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
ID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Contact |
Type | string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Type |
Primary | string | Edit Contact | Header/Primary |
FirstName | string | Edit Contact | Header/Name (first) |
LastName | string | Edit Contact | Header/Name (last) |
Company | string | Edit Contact | Header/Company |
Occupation | string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Occupation |
Phone1 | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Home Phone |
Phone2 | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Cell Phone |
Phone3 | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Office Phone |
string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/eMail |
| |
Fax | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Fax |
Addr1 | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Address (line1) |
Addr2 | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Address (line2) |
City | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/City |
State | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/State |
Zip | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/ZIP |
Country | string | Edit Contact | ContactInfo/Country |
Description | string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Description |
Notes | string | Edit Contact | Notes/- |
Code | string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Code |
InspectionForms |
| |||
API Property | Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
FormID | int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Form |
FormName | string | Edit Claim | Loss Information/Home Inspection |
Appendix III – Response Codes
ResponseCode | Message | Description |
0 | Success | No validation issues |
1 | LoginOrPasswordInvalid | Either the login or the password failed validation |
2 | AuthenticationParameterMissing | Either the Login, Password or CompanyKey parameters was not supplied |
3 | TruncatedTransmission | The request was interrupted prior to completion |
Appendix IV - AddClaim input values & mapping
* required * The second column indicates if the field can be updated when showing ‘U’
Root Properties |
| |||||||||
API Property (Updateable) |
| Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note | |||||
Login * |
| string | - |
| authorized system login of user | |||||
Password * |
| string | - |
| corresponding password for auth system login | |||||
CompanyKey * |
| string | - |
| unique company code provided by FileTrac | |||||
BranchName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Branch |
| |||||
BranchID |
| int | - | - | if known can be used to set Branch | |||||
PrefixID |
| int | - | - | if known can be used to set File # | |||||
ClientCompanyID * |
| int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to Company | |||||
ClientCompanyName |
| string | Add Claim | Client Company | * can substitute for ClientCompanyID see also GetClientCompanies | |||||
ClientContactID |
| int | - | - | system-generated ID unique to User | |||||
ClientContactName |
| string | Add Claim | Client Contact | see also GetUsers | |||||
AdjusterName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Adjuster | to map adjuster - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
AdjusterFirstName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Adjuster | to map adjuster - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
AdjusterLastName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Adjuster | to map adjuster - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
AdjusterEmail |
| string | - | - | email may also be used to map adjuster | |||||
AdjusterID |
| int | - | - | if known can be used to map adjuster - userID returned from GetUsers | |||||
AdjusterAssignDate |
| datetime | - | - | Date assigned to adjuster - in reporting | |||||
ManagerFirstName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Manager | to map manager - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
ManagerLastName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Manager | to map manager - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
ManagerEmail |
| string | - | - | email may also be used to map manager | |||||
ManagerID |
| int | - | - | if known can be used to map manager - userID returned from GetUsers | |||||
SupervisorFirstName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Supervisor | to map supervisor - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
SupervisorLastName |
| string | Add Claim | Assign Supervisor | to map supervisor - must match exactly the username in FT | |||||
SupervisorEmail |
| string | - | - | email may also be used to map manager | |||||
SupervisorID |
| int | - | - | if known can be used to map supervisor - userID returned from GetUsers | |||||
FileNumber |
| string | Add Claim | File # | overrides custom File # process | |||||
SecondaryFileNumber | U | string | Add Claim | Secondary File # |
| |||||
ClientClaimNum * |
| string | Add Claim | Client Claim # |
| |||||
ClaimDateReceived |
| string | Add Claim | Date Received |
| |||||
ClaimStatus | U | string | - | - | overrides the default status in Settings - must match an existing status in FT | |||||
ClaimStatusDate |
| string | - | - | overrides default status date from Settings | |||||
ClaimDateReceivedFNOL |
| - | - | - | deprecated | |||||
SpecialInstructions | U | string | Add Claim | Special Instructions |
| |||||
InsuredFName | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) First Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) | |||||
InsuredLName | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Last Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) | |||||
InsuredCompany |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Company | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) | |||||
PolicyNumber | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Policy # | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) | |||||
PolicyType | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Policy Type | also Edit Contact under Insured (Primary) | |||||
PolicyEffectiveDate | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Policy Effective Date | if not valid date then NULL entered | |||||
PolicyExpirationDate | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Policy Expiration Date | if not valid date then NULL entered | |||||
LoanNumber | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Loan # |
| |||||
| *Insured also loads as contact | |||||
InsuredPhone1 | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Phone # | maps to Home phone | |||||
InsuredPhone2 | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Alternate Phone # | maps to Work phone | |||||
InsuredCellPhone | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Cell Phone # |
| |||||
InsuredEmail | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Email |
| |||||
InsuredAddr1 | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Street Address |
| |||||
InsuredAddr2 | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Address 2 |
| |||||
InsuredCity | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) City |
| |||||
InsuredState | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) State |
| |||||
InsuredZip | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) ZIP |
| |||||
InsuredCountry | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Country |
| |||||
InsuredMortgagee | U | string | Add Claim | (Primary Insured) Mortgagee |
| |||||
| *Secondary Insured also loads as contact | |||||||||
SecondaryInsuredFName |
| string | Add Claim | (Secondary Insured) First Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Secondary) | |||||
SecondaryInsuredLName |
| string | Add Claim | (Secondary Insured) Last Name | also Edit Contact under Insured (Secondary) | |||||
FeeScheduleID |
| int | Add Claim | Fee Schedule Selection | if known from GetClaimData | |||||
| *Agent also loads as contact | |||||
AgentFName | U | string | Add Claim | (Agent) First Name |
| |||||
AgentLName | U | string | Add Claim | (Agent) Last Name |
| |||||
AgentCompany |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Company |
| |||||
AgentEMail |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Email |
| |||||
AgentPhone1 |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Office Phone | maps to Office phone | |||||
AgentPhone2 |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Cell Phone | maps to Cell phone | |||||
AgentAddr1 |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Address (line 1) |
| |||||
AgentAddr2 |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Address (line 2) |
| |||||
AgentCity |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) City |
| |||||
AgentState |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) State | must be state/province abbreviation | |||||
AgentZIP |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) ZIP |
| |||||
AgentCountry |
| string | Add Claim | (Agent) Country |
| |||||
LossAddr1 | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) Street Address |
| |||||
LossAddr2 | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) Address 2 |
| |||||
LossCity | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) City |
| |||||
LossState | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) State | must be state/province abbreviation | |||||
LossZIP | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) ZIP |
| |||||
LossCountry | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) Country |
| |||||
LossCounty |
| string | Add Claim | (Loss Location) County |
| |||||
| *Claimant also loads as contact | |||||||||
ClaimantFName |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) First Name |
| |||||
ClaimantLName |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Last Name |
| |||||
ClaimantCompany |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Company |
| |||||
ClaimantEMail |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Email |
| |||||
ClaimantPhone1 |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Phone |
| |||||
ClaimantPhone2 |
| string | Add Claim | - | only visible in Contact section – maps to Cell | |||||
ClaimantAddr1 |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Street Address |
| |||||
ClaimantAddr2 |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Address 2 |
| |||||
ClaimantCity |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) City |
| |||||
ClaimantState |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) State | must be state/province abbreviation | |||||
ClaimantZIP |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) ZIP |
| |||||
ClaimantCountry |
| string | Add Claim | (Primary Claimant) Country |
| |||||
ClaimantCounty |
| string | - | - | only visible in Contact section | |||||
ClaimantGender |
| type() | - | - | expects type ‘ClaimantGenderType’ values only visible in Contact section | |||||
ClaimantSSN |
| string | - | - | only visible in Contact section | |||||
ClaimantDOB |
| datetime | - | - | only visible in Contact section | |||||
LossDate | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Date of Loss |
| |||||
LossType | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Type of Loss |
| |||||
ClaimUrgent | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) …Urgent Contact | will accept ‘1’, ‘true’ or ‘yes’ | |||||
LossMOLD | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) MOLD Claim | will accept ‘1’, ‘true’ or ‘yes’ | |||||
LossUnit | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Unit |
| |||||
CATCode | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) CAT Code |
| |||||
LossDescription | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Loss Description |
| |||||
AdjustmentType | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Type of Adjustment |
| |||||
Deductible | U | decimal | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible |
| |||||
WindDeductible | U | decimal | Add Claim | (Coverage) Wind Deductible |
| |||||
CoverageA | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage A |
| |||||
CoverageB | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage B |
| |||||
CoverageC | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage C |
| |||||
CoverageD | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage D |
| |||||
CoverageE | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage E | not visible to all IAs | |||||
CoverageF | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Coverage F | not visible to all IAs | |||||
| *Coverage Deductibles not available to All | |||||||||
CoverageADeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible |
| |||||
CoverageBDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible |
| |||||
CoverageCDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible |
| |||||
CoverageDDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible |
| |||||
CoverageEDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible | not visible to all IAs | |||||
CoverageFDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Deductible | not visible to all IAs | |||||
Endorsements | U | string | Add Claim | (Coverage) Endorsements |
| |||||
ClaimDateFirstContact | U | string | Add Claim | Date of First Contact | if not valid date then NULL entered | |||||
ClaimDateInspection | U | string | Add Claim | Date of Inspection | if not valid date then NULL entered | |||||
CauseOfLoss |
| string | - | - | deprecated – 2 char max | |||||
LOBCode | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Statutory LOB Code |
| |||||
ISOCode | U | string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) ISO Code |
| |||||
CauseCode |
| string | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Claim Cause Code |
| |||||
ClaimACV | U | decimal | Add Claim | ACV |
| |||||
ClaimRCV | U | decimal | Add Claim | RCV |
| |||||
ClaimAmount | U | decimal | Add Claim | Amount of Claim |
| |||||
FloodContentsLocation | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Contents Location |
| |||||
FloodContentsDescription | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Contents Description |
| |||||
FloodBuildingDescription | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Building Description |
| |||||
FloodProgram | U | type() | Add Claim | (Flood) Program | expects type ‘FloodProgramType’ values | |||||
FloodRisk | U | type() | Add Claim | (Flood) Risk | expects type ‘FloodRiskType’ values | |||||
FloodCommunityNumber | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Community # |
| |||||
FloodCommunityName | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Community Name |
| |||||
FloodIsPostFirm | U | boolean | Add Claim | (Flood) Post FIRM |
| |||||
FloodFirmDate | U | datetime | Add Claim | (Flood) FIRM Date |
| |||||
FloodIsPrincipleResidence | U | boolean | Add Claim | (Flood) Principle Residence |
| |||||
FloodZone | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Flood Zone |
| |||||
FloodEnclosureType | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Enclosure Type |
| |||||
FloodCondoCode | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Condo Code |
| |||||
FloodNumberOfFloors | U | int | Add Claim | (Flood) Number of Floors |
| |||||
FloodLowestFloorElevation |
| string | Add Claim | (Flood) Lowest Floor Elevation |
| |||||
FloodIsElevated |
| boolean | Add Claim | (Flood) Elevated |
| |||||
FloodBaseElevation |
| string | Add Claim | (Flood) Base Elevation |
| |||||
FloodConstructionDate |
| datetime | Add Claim | (Flood) Construction Date |
| |||||
FloodGarage | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Garage |
| |||||
FloodRemarks | U | string | Add Claim | (Flood) Remarks |
| |||||
FloodCWOPReason | U | type() | Add Claim | (Loss Info) CWOP Reason | expects type ‘FloodCWOPReasonType’ values | |||||
FloodInteriorWaterDepth | U | decimal | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Interior Water Depth |
| |||||
FloodExteriorWaterDepth | U | decimal | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Exterior Water Depth |
| |||||
FloodIsControlMeasureFailure | U | boolean | Add Claim | (Loss Info) ...failure of flood control measure? |
| |||||
FloodIsUnnaturalCauses | U | boolean | Add Claim | (Loss Info) …natural causes contribute to flooding |
| |||||
FloodWaterRemainedDays | U | int | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Time Water Remained Days |
| |||||
FloodWaterRemainedHours | U | int | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Time Water Remained Hours |
| |||||
FloodIsRCCoverageQualifier | U | boolean | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Insured Qualifies for R/C coverage? |
| |||||
FloodCharacteristic | U | type() | Add Claim | (Loss Info) | expects type ‘FloodCharacteristicType’ values | |||||
FloodDateWaterEntered | U | datetime | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Date Water Entered |
| |||||
FloodDateWaterReceded | U | datetime | Add Claim | (Loss Info) Date Water Receded |
| |||||
FloodContentsAdvancePaymentAmount |
| decimal | - | - | for use with Torrent flood claims only | |||||
FloodBuildingAdvancePaymentAmount |
| decimal | - | - | for use with Torrent flood claims only | |||||
AutoYear |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Year |
| |||||
AutoMake |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Make |
| |||||
AutoModel |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Model |
| |||||
AutoVIN |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto VIN # |
| |||||
AutoDamages |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Damages |
| |||||
AutoCoverage |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Coverage |
| |||||
AutoDeductible |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Deductible |
| |||||
AutoLocation |
| string | Add Claim | (Auto Info) Auto Location |
| |||||
Latitude |
| string | - | - | if not provided API will generate | |||||
Longitude |
| string | - | - | if not provided API will generate | |||||
ApplyAutoTimeLogs |
| boolean | - | - | triggers process | |||||
Note |
| string | - | - | loads as Diary Note | |||||
| |||||
Contacts |
| |||||||||
API Property |
| Datatype | FileTrac Page | (Page Section) Label | Note |
| ||||
ContactType |
| type() | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Type | expects values of type ‘ContactType’ |
| ||||
ContactIsPrimary |
| boolean | Edit Contact | Header/Primary |
| ||||
ContactFirstName |
| string | Edit Contact | Header/Name (first) |
| ||||
ContactLastName |
| string | Edit Contact | Header/Name (last) |
| ||||
ContactCompany |
| string | Edit Contact | Header/Company |
| ||||
ContactCode |
| string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Code |
| ||||
ContactDescription |
| string | Edit Contact | Header/Contact Description |
| ||||
ContactGender |
| type() | Edit Contact |
| expects values of type ‘ContactGender’ |
| ||||
ContactOccupation |
| string | Edit Contact | Contact Occupation |
| ||||
ContactHomePhone |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Home Phone |
| ||||
ContactCellPhone |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Cell Phone |
| ||||
ContactOfficePhone |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Office Phone |
| ||||
ContactFax |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Fax |
| ||||
ContactEmail |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) eMail |
| ||||
ContactAddress1 |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Address (line1) |
| ||||
ContactAddress2 |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Address (line2) |
| ||||
ContactCity |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) City |
| ||||
ContactState |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) State |
| ||||
ContactZip |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) ZIP |
| ||||
ContactCountry |
| string | Edit Contact | (ContactInfo) Country |
| ||||
ContactNotes |
| string | Edit Contact | (Notes) untitled |
| ||||
| ||||||||||