Welcome to the new HOVER Integration. To setup a new HOVER account or connect an existing one to FiIeTrac, please follow these simple steps:
- As an ADMIN, go into your FileTrac Claims Management System and go to Settings:
- Under General Setup, Select HOVER Integration:
- Click Connect with HOVER:
- If you have an existing account with HOVER, select Login (Step 4). If you are new to HOVER, then select "First Time? Sign up now" (Step 5). If you have forgotten your password, select "Forgot your Password" (Step 6)
- Complete the HOVER registration.
- Confirm your HOVER Account
- Once logged in, First click the Menu Bar in the blue box and select to Manage Team:
- Invite and manage all of your Admin Users. These are only users who can order and/or approve HOVER Captures. USERS IN FILETRAC DO NOT NEED TO BE ADDED HERE TO VIEW THE HOVER REPORTS AND PHOTOS.
- Click back on the Menu and Select Settings
- Final Step to Select Integrations, choose FileTrac and then choose Allow:
- Select a single user that has APPROVAL AUTHORITY and a user that NEEDS AUTHORITY. This is a one time selection that connect to HOVER and will never be used again.
- Return to FileTrac and go to Manage Claims Page to see the new HOVER Controls. You are ready to create captures for both Adjusters and Homeowners.