The Settings page is where you will set up and manage your company settings that will help to drive your system. Only an Admin user can access the 'Settings' page.
Click on the 'Settings' tab on the top menu bar. The various settings are shown at the top of the page and are grouped by General Setup, Workflow and User Access, and Billing and Payout.
This document will walk you through each section in the order that it is displayed on the page, rather than according to the groups listed above.
For items that include more detailed steps, a link has been provided that will take you to the step-by-step instructions for setting up that item.
If you would like to jump to a particular section, click on the item in the top menu or use the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl F' to bring up the 'find' function.
Work through each section completing as much information as possible.
For most sections, when adding a new item (Category, Type, Code, etc.):
1. Mark the box next to the item you are adding, and enter the Name of the new item
2. Then click Add/Save Changes.
You can also edit the name of an existing item by clicking inside the box of that item, making your changes, then click Add/Save Changes.
Additional information and details regarding each section is listed below:
Services and Fees
This is where you will add your Standard Services and rates that apply to most of your clients. (Service Fees that are specific to one client, can be added from the 'Edit Company' page for that client.) Click on the below link for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create 'Services and Fees' from the Settings page:
Creating Standard Services and Fees (Settings Page- Admin Only) : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
IPhone App Service Mapping
FileTrac is no longer supporting the FileTrac App as it has been replaced with an interface scaled for smart phone screens. Rather than using an app on your phone, you can connect directly to your company's FileTrac system by simply logging into your Evolve account at https://ftevolve.com on your mobile device and entering your Evolve credentials.
Refer to: Mobile Access : Evolution Global - FileTrac CMS Support (freshdesk.com)
However, for users who previously downloaded the app, click to review and configure your Hours + Mileage. This must be set before using the app to avoid loss of time logs. Click on “Click Here to Configure”. Select the services and click Update.
Tax Rate
Sales Tax is added during the creation of an invoice and is driven by Loss Location (State).
1. Check the box for Add New State and choose the State from the drop-down menu
2. Enter the Tax Rate
3. Click Add/Save Changes (Once the state is successfully added, it will appear in the list with the corresponding tax rate that was saved.)
4. Enter zero in the Tax Rate field (This will keep all other states that have not been added with a tax rate of zero.)
5. Check to Automatically Apply Tax Upon Invoice Creation (This will keep you from having to remember to include the tax rate and will automatically include tax on the invoice without the need to mark the box to apply the tax.)
6. Click on Save Default Tax Rate
Only one tax rate can be added per state/per invoice.
For more information and instructions on Tax Rate, click the following link:
Sales Tax Rate : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Invoice Worksheet Defaults
This is where you have the option to choose what appears on your invoices. Place a check mark next to each of the options that you wish to be included on your invoices, then click Save These Settings.
The above selections will result in the below Sample Invoice:
*If no Labels are selected and/or created during the creation of setting up your Services and Fees, the 'Service Fee Name' will be listed under the Item section on the invoice.
Adjuster Payout Worksheet Defaults
Selections made here will be your defaults (these options can be adjusted when running a Payout from the Adjuster Payout Worksheet).
1. Choose between 'Use TIMELOG Values' or 'Use INVOICE Values'.
- Use TIMELOG Values gives you the option to choose from- Use Only Billed, All Timelog Entries, or Use Only NON-Billed Entries
- Use INVOICE Values gives you the option to choose from- EXTERNAL Billing or Use INTERNAL Apportionment
2. Choose none, any, or all of the following options: PAID Invoices Only (only those invoices paid by your client), Reimbursable Exp Only, or Show Payout Breakdown
If you wait to pay your adjusters until you have been paid, you will want to choose PAID Invoices Only. Reimbursable Expenses Only will result in a list of only expenses that are reimbursable to the adjuster.
3. Select either Roll-Up All Hourly Services or Separate Hourly Services
4. Click Save These Settings
For more information and instructions on Adjuster Payout Worksheet, click the following link:
Adjuster Payout Worksheet and Payout Link Visibility : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Line Item Credits & Payout Link Visibility
Line Item Credits- will give you the flexibility to adjust an invoice based on the client’s needs. With Line Item Credits, you will be able to add or deduct the overall value of the invoice and make adjustments to the Adjuster’s Payout.
Payout Link Visibility- allows you to Enable or Disable the ability for the adjuster to View their Payouts. If enabled, a View Payouts link will appear in the upper righthand corner next to their name.
For each feature, choose whether to Enable or Disable, then click Save This Setting.
Word/Excel Letter Templates
Once you have created your Word/Excel Letter Templates via the FileTrac Word Add-in Tool, you can then upload and manage them here. For further instructions on creating and managing your Word templates, click the below link:
Document Library Category Setup
The Document Library is a way to conveniently store commonly used documents. The library assists users in locating documents easily such as policies, forms, endorsements, etc. Only an Admin within your company can add documents to the library. Prior to uploading documents, categories must first be set up via the below steps:
1. Place a check in the box for Add New Category and type in the name of the Category.
2. Click Add/Save Changes
Once your categories have been set up, continue to step 3 for uploading documents. Documents uploaded on this page are accessible for every claim from the Manage Claims Page. Documents uploaded from the Settings page should NOT be Client Specific. An example of documents uploaded in Settings would be your company’s guidelines and basic forms and endorsements.
3. Click on Upload and manage documents
4. Click on Upload New Document
5. Select the Category from the drop-down menu
6. Enter the New Document Title
7. Click on Choose File and locate the file on your desktop
8. Click on Upload Document
If you need to upload documents (policies, forms, special instructions, etc) that are specific to a client company, see instructions in following link:
Document Library - Client Specific : Evolution Global - FileTrac CMS Support (freshdesk.com)
Note Categories and Types
These two items are used to help identify and search for a particular Category and/or Type of Note on the 'Diary Notes' page that has been entered into a file. Examples of a Note Category are: Client Update, Communication with Adjuster, Communication with Insured, etc. Examples of a Note Type are: High Priority, Medium Priority, etc.
Municipal Jurisdictions
Jurisdiction information can be added for the purpose of including it in your Word Templates through the use of Word Add-in tokens. For further instructions regarding adding Municipal Jurisdiction information, click the following link:
Municipal Jurisdictions : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Report Upload Options
You can select any or all the checkboxes as options to appear on the bottom of the 'Upload Reports' page when a user uploads documents to a file (see screenshot below):
Quick Edit Claim Options
Checking any of these boxes will reveal a new icon on the 'Manage Claims' page. Hovering over that icon with your mouse, reveals a quick way to edit any of those data fields. The ones you pick will be available for all Adjuster roles (including Staff and Sr. Adjuster).
Report Access
FileTrac allows the ability to give access to some of the reports that are located under the 'Reports' tab based on the User Level.
Make selections based on the User Level as to which reports will be made available for each by marking the appropriate box(es).
Automated Email Notification (BCC) Setup
This area allows you to configure which users and roles associated with a file get Blind Copied when certain events occur within the system.
Allow Users to Modify 'FROM' Address on Email Page
This allows you to give a User Role the ability to modify the 'FROM' address when sending emails from the "@" page located on the 'Manage Claims' page in FileTrac (see below).
Checking box(es), will allow users of the selected user role to send emails on behalf of the Assigned Adjuster, Supervisor, Manager, or any other employee from your firm. The email will show as being sent from the user selected from the drop-down menu.
Diary Notes
Marking this box will Default the 'Diary Notes' to be Visible to Client. (This can be changed on individual notes before saving the comment by Checking/Unchecking the box on the Diary Notes page.)
You can also customize this default for a specific Client Company from the 'Companies' page.
Loss Type
Add and manage the different types of loss that your company handles (Fire, Flood, Hail, etc).
Reason Code
The Reason Code is a closing action that typically comes from the carrier or is used by TPA’s.
Company Type
Add and manage the different types of companies in your system (Broker, Cover holder, Syndicate, MGA, etc.)
HOVER Authentication
This is where you can setup your Hover Account or Reconnect if needed.
1. Click the blue Connect with HOVER or Reconnect with HOVER if you need to reset your account.
2. Complete the information to setup your account in the pop up.
*HOVER Creation is set per individual User on their User profile page under the Personnel Manager tab.
For more information on HOVER, click the following link:
HOVER Integration : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Color Coded Label for Reports/Documents
When this feature is enabled, a box will display to the left of the documents that have been uploaded to a file. Based on how your company wishes to use these colors to identify certain types of documents, you can click on the box to change the color to either red, blue, orange, or green.
CAT & PCS Codes
CAT Code- If you would like for the ability to track claims by a specific CAT event, you will want to create those codes here.
PCS Code- If your company is tracking claims by the PCS codes, add those codes here.
*Important Note: When updating a CAT or PCS Code, a box will appear to the right. Check this box in order to update all claims that are set to that specific code. If the box is not checked, any claims currently set to that code will change to 'Other'.
Unit Type
Add all the different types of Units for the claims that you are handling (Residential, Commercial, etc).
Claim Status Type
Status Types are used to track the status of a claim and can be used in conjunction with 'Alerts' to notify users of certain instances within a claim. Status Types created in Settings will apply to all Client Companies that do not have their own Custom Status setup. Click on the below link for instructions on setting up Claim Status Types:
Status Types in Settings & Companies : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Contact Type
Contacts are parties that are involved in a claim but are not users who will be logging in to your FileTrac system. Add types of contacts that may be added to a claim in your system. Examples of contact types are: Attorneys, Public Adjusters, Agents, Fire Investigator, Umpire, etc.
Claim Status Notes
Choose if you would like to Show Note Entry Field on the 'Update Claim Status' page. Any notes added here, will appear in the Diary Notes for that claim. You can also choose to make the Note Entry Mandatory by checking both boxes.
'Update Claim Status' page example (with both selections chosen):
Acknowledgement Default Text
The Acknowledgement Default Text is the standard wording that is emailed to your client acknowledging that you received the claim. Add/edit text, then save your changes. Edits can also be made on individual claims from both the New Claim and Edit Claim pages.
General Message Text
This can be used to display a message on the top of the Alerts page. This feature can be used to get news out to your employees (it is not visible to client users).
Timelog Codes
If you will be billing your clients based on Time and Expense, you will want to setup Timelog Codes.
1. Mark the box to Add New Code and create a code for the type of time log or expense you are creating.
2. Type a short Description for the time log or expense. (This is the description that will display on invoices if the option is chosen to Show Codes.)
3. Click Add/Save Changes
Custom File #
FileTrac can auto sequence file #’s. Auto sequencing of file numbers is typically set up per Branch; however, you can also create custom file # sequencing that is available for all claims regardless of the Branch they are assigned to. Both Branch and Custom file numbering will appear in this section.
The maximum character count for a file # is 9 and includes any prefix and/or dashes. We recommend no more than 3 characters in a prefix and 5 digits. The "Seed" is the starting number.
1. Check mark Setup New Custom File # Pattern and Custom
2. Type in the Prefix
3. Type in how many digits you would like to follow the Prefix
4. Type in the number that you want to start with. Ex. Type in “1” to start at one.
5. Click Add/Save Changes
Common Expenses
Add expenses for all the types of expenses that your company encounters such as Parking, Police Report, Fire Report, etc so that the 'type' of expense can be chosen for billing and invoicing purposes.
It is recommended to either put the expenses in order with the most common expenses at the top, or list them in alphabetical order.
Letter Templates Categories
Letter Template Categories are the different types of documents that you may use in a claim (ex: Letters, Forms, Reports). Create your Categories by marking the box 'Add New Template Category' and entering the name of your category. Then click 'Save'.
The Default Category, is the default that appears when uploading new templates.
For further information and instructions on Template Documents, click on the following link:
FileTrac Word Add-in Tool: Creating & Uploading Templates to FileTrac : Evolution Global - FileTrac CMS Support (freshdesk.com)
Report Types
These are the types of documents that will be uploaded to a claim on the 'Upload Reports' page (see below):
Policy Types
Add all the types of policies that your company handles such as HO, Auto, Commercial, etc.
Reserve Checking Accounts
You can create Reserve Checking Accounts based on your actual accounts. FileTrac, does not connect to these live accounts; rather this area is used to help manage your finances from within FileTrac and print checks.
1. Click Click Here to Configure
2. Mark the box Add New Account and enter the Client Company
3. Enter Bank Name, Routing #, Account #, and Address
4. Include any pertinent information in the Notes section
5. Mark the Auto Check # Setup and enter the number for the first check if you would like for the system to auto-number the checks. You can also leave this unchecked if you wish to manually enter the check numbers.
6. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page
Reserve Types
If you will need to track reserves, add all the types of reserves and then categorize them as Indemnity or Expense.
Recovery Types
If you will need to track recovery, add the Recovery types here.
Adjuster Skills
This is where you will start building more information about your adjusters. To add to a skill, select the skill from the drop-down menu. Then mark the box, add the New item, and click Add/Save Changes. The following categories are found within Adjuster Skills: Adjuster Certifications, Adjuster Languages, Adjuster Licenses, Adjuster Software.
Adjuster Background
You can add an Adjuster Rating and/or Adjuster Specialties by selecting the category from the drop-down, adding the New item, then click Add/Save Changes.
Custom Fields (Available Upon Request)
Up to 20 Custom Fields can be created which will appear only on the New Claim and Edit Claim pages. Only users with access to these pages will be able to view and/or edit these fields.
For each custom field:
1. Create a Label
2. Select the Data Type for this field (Checkbox, Currency, Date Entry, Text Entry, or Whole Number- no decimals)
3. Select if this field will be available for Claims, Appraisals, or Both
**Important Note- Once data has been entered into a Custom field on either a claim or appraisal, the definition for that field becomes locked and the Label cannot be changed. It can only be Disabled or Enabled.
Example of Custom Fields on the New/Edit Claim Page:
Manage Company Information
There are two sections in Manage Company Information-
- Company Information is where you can change or add your company’s information such as Address, system email, and phone/fax numbers. If you need to change your Adjustment Company Name and/or Federal Tax ID#, you will need to contact FileTrac Support.
- Branch Information is where you will add and manage Branches for the companies that you do business for.
Review Settings
This setting is to allow for the Claim Status to automatically update based on which step in the review process the claim is in. For information on the full Review Process, click the link below:
Claim Review Process : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)