Alerts can be set up for an 'Individual User' or for a 'User Role' and can only be assigned by an Admin user. By setting up Alerts for a User Role, you eliminate having to repeatedly set up the same alert(s) for users as they are added to your system.
Alerts will be listed on the Alerts page under the Select Alert category. A user will click on a specific Alert. The results of the selected Alert will appear to the right in the Description field and will list claims or data based on the selected Alert.
Alerts must be continuously maintained and cleared in order to prevent any issues caused by having too many backlogged alerts.
I. Adding Alerts to User Roles
1. Click on the Personnel Manager tab
2. Then click on the User Alerts (Bell Symbol)
3. Choose Role Alerts
4. Select the User Role
5. Mark all the Alerts that you want applied to this role from the 'Available Alerts' options
6. Click Add. You will now see the Alerts listed in the Role's Alerts box in the top section.
7. Click Save Changes.
II. Adding Alerts to Individual Users
1. Click on the Personnel Manager tab
2. Then click on the User Alerts (Bell Symbol)
3. Choose User List
To quickly locate a user from the drop-down list after you have selected User Alert, use the Control F Command to bring up the search bar and type in the user’s name.
4. Click on the name of the User.
5. Scroll through the list of 'Available Alerts' and mark all Alerts that you want applied to this User.
6. Click Add. You will now see the Alerts listed in the User’s Alerts box.
7. Click Save Changes
**NOTE: If a user has an Alert that was added individually for them that they are NOT using, you can remove the Alert from their page by selecting the Alert in the top section, clicking Remove, then 'Save Changes'. It is recommended to Remove Alerts that are not being used in order to prevent any issues for the user.
III. List of Alerts with Descriptions
Please refer to the attached excel list of alerts for a complete description of the alerts available at this time.