The Adjuster Payout Module is where a user will search for Invoices and Timelogs for the Adjusters and save them to the list of payouts. The Adjuster Payout Worksheet is based on adjuster time logs and not on the actual line item amounts on an invoice.
Defaults for the Adjuster Payout Worksheet can be set on the Settings page; however, these options (with the exception Roll-up hourly Services during payout) can be overridden when configuring an adjuster payout worksheet.
I. Adjuster Payout Worksheet Defaults
Selections made here will be your defaults and can only be changed by an Admin level user. These options, however, can be adjusted when running a Payout from the Adjuster Payout Worksheet.
1. Click on the Settings tab
2. Click on Adjuster Payout Worksheet Defaults
3. Choose between 'Use TIMELOG Values' or 'Use INVOICE Values'.
- Use TIMELOG Values gives you the option to choose from- Use Only Billed (for entries billed for time range selected), All Timelog Entries (timelogs entered for time range selected), or Use Only NON-Billed Entries
- Use INVOICE Values gives you the option to choose from- EXTERNAL Billing or Use INTERNAL Apportionment
4. Choose none, any, or all of the following options: PAID Invoices Only (only those invoices paid by your client), Reimbursable Exp Only, or Show Payout Breakdown. If you wait to pay your adjusters until you have been paid by your client, you will want to choose PAID Invoices Only. Reimbursable Expenses Only will result in a list of only expenses that are reimbursable to the adjuster.
5. Select either Roll-Up All Hourly Services or Separate Hourly Services
Separate Hourly Services Example:
Roll-Up All Hourly Services Example: The above example file, timelogs, and payout
was used with the Roll-Up all hourly services set as the default. For services to combine, they must be hourly services, have the same rate/fee amount, and have the same percentage/payout amount.
6. Click Save These Settings
II. Adjuster Payout Module
If you plan to adjust line items that will affect the commission payout for an adjuster, adjust the Timelog first, then generate the invoice before proceeding with the below steps.
1. Click on the Billing tab
2. Then click on Adjuster Payout Module
A. To Search for Entries
1. Select Adjusters (Users) for which you are running the payout for
a. Choose a Branch (or leave on **ALL BRANCHES**)
b. You can choose the number of adjusters to display:
OR select a specific user/group of users by un-checking the 'ALL Adjusters' box, entering a name or keyword in the Search Adjuster List field, then click Search.
c. Check the box(es) for the users you wish to run the payout for, then click Search
Save List allows you to create a list of users to pay each pay period. When you select a group of users, you will see the option to 'Save List' then 'Label your list'. If you frequently run the same group of users together, this will be a time saver as you can then choose 'Load Saved List' when running payouts for that group. See below:
2. Select the Date Range (review steps 3 and 4 before entering a date range)
3. Select if you want to search by Timelog Values or Invoice Values.
When using 'TIMELOG Values, ONLY Billed' or INVOICE Values select a Date Range (Step 2 above) to include the date of the invoice:
When using 'TIMELOG Values All' or 'TIMELOG Values ONLY NON-BILLED', enter a date range (Step 2 above) to include the date the timelog was entered:
4. Choose none, any, or all of the following options: PAID Invoices Only (only those invoices paid by your client), Reimbursable Exp Only, or Show Payout Breakdown. If you wait to pay your adjusters until you have been paid, you will want to choose PAID Invoices Only. Reimbursable Expenses Only will result in a list of only expenses that are reimbursable to the adjuster.
When marking the 'PAID Invoices Only' box, enter a date range (Step 2 above) to include the date the invoice was paid:
5. Click Search. The list of entries will populate and will be grouped by adjuster.
B. Review Entries/Add Adjustment
1. Uncheck any entries that should not be included on this payout for this Adjuster/User.
2. Review the entries and make any necessary changes (Quantity, Fee, and Commission %). Entries that have not yet been approved (i.e. the invoice is still Pending) will be displayed with “PENDING Review” next to the File #.
3. Add Adjustment (if needed): You can make an adjustment to an adjuster's payout amount (add or subtract to it) by clicking on Add Adjustment.
- Enter the File number for which the adjustment is being made for, the amount of the adjustment, and a note. If an amount needs to be deducted from the adjuster's payout, be sure to enter a minus (-) sign (see screenshot below).
- Click Save
4. (Optional) Include a note to the adjuster
*If you will be recording payments during this process, skip to Section C. 'Record Payments on Adjuster Payout Worksheet'. If you will be paying the Adjuster at a later time, continue to step 5.
5. Click Save for This Adjuster
When you are ready to pay the adjuster(s), locate the saved list from the View List of Existing Payouts. (Skip to Section III below)
C. Record Payments on Adjuster Payout Worksheet
1. Check Adjuster Paid?
2. Enter Date Paid and the Check #
3. Click Save for This Adjuster
If recording payments for multiple adjusters on the Adjuster Payout Worksheet, you can 'MARK ALL Paid', 'Fill Down' the Date Paid, 'Fill down' the Comment, and enter the check # for each. Then click SAVE Payouts at the bottom of the screen.
The payouts can then be viewed on the Saved Payouts page by clicking on View List of
Existing Payouts and using the drop-down Search filters.
III. View List of Existing Payouts
The Saved Payouts page is a list of all the Saved payouts made to users and includes the pay period it was run, the date of the payment, the check # (if it was recorded), and the amount. If no payment was made and/or recorded, it will show as UNPAID. To view Saved Payouts:
1. Click on the Billing tab
2. Then click on Adjuster Payout Module
3. Click View List of Existing Payouts
*Payouts can be searched for by using the drop-down menus and clicking Search.
A. Record Payment on UNPAID User Payout
1. Choose UNPAID Payouts from the drop-down menu (use any of the additional drop-down menus as needed)
2. Click Search
3. Click on the pay period next to the Adjuster to open the unpaid payout.
4. Place a check in the box for Pay? and change the Date Paid if necessary
5. Enter the Check # (Amount is displayed in the Amount column)
6. Click Save Payout Info
**IMPORTANT Note: Deleting any payouts (PAID or UNPAID) from the Saved Payouts page will cause the entries from that payout to reappear on the Adjuster Payout Worksheet as if a payout had never been saved for those entries.
IV. Payout Link Visibility (Admin Only)
You can Enable or Disable the ability for the adjuster to View their Payouts. If enabled, a View Payouts link will appear in the upper righthand corner next to the user's name (see below).
To Enable/Disable this feature:
1. Click on the Settings tab
2. Click on Payout Link Visibility
3. Choose Enable or Disable
4. Click Save This Setting