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  4. Financials, Billing, Invoicing & Timelogs

Billing from Start to Finish (Overview/workflow)


This document walks through each step in the process beginning with creating a time log, creating the invoice, and recording payments received.  This article will also discuss deleting/voiding invoices, as well as, line item credits and write-offs.  

This document also explains Line Item Entries, Editing Worksheets, Voiding & Deleting Invoices, and how to write off an invoice or a portion of an invoice. 

I. Entering Time Logs & Expenses: (use link)

A. Adding a Service Timelog: The Timelogs clock Icon is where you will enter your Time and Expenses for a claim.  

From the Manage Claims page hover your curser over the clock Icon and this will display the total amount of services that have been entered on a claim if these entries have not yet been billed.  To add a Timelog:

1. Click on the Manage Claims page

2. Click on the Clock Icon to open the page to enter your Time & Expenses on the claim

3. Make sure the correct user is selected, the primary adjuster is the default and can be changed by clicking on the drop-down. 

4. Change date if needed, otherwise date will populate with today’s date

5. Add comments if you need to provide more information to your staff about this billing

6. If you have Macro Templates created, use the drop-down to make your selection and the sheet will auto populate. (If you are not familiar with Macro Templates see the section below for Macro Templates.)

7. Select the drop down for the Service Fee (check the box directly to the right of the Service Name if you wish for the default description for this service fee to populate). 

8. Select the appropriate Time Code for your billing which will automatically populate the Code field once selected (Time Codes are created in Settings.)

9. Add a description if you would like to add more details or overwrite a description if needed by typing in the field.  Click on the box under the description for this timelog and description to be saved in the 'Diary Notes'.

10. Fill in the quantity to be billed.  If you need to add multiple Time logs, click on Add Service Row and repeat steps 7-10.

11. Once you have added all your entries, then click Submit Timelog Entry. 

12. Once a Timelog has been entered, it will populate here under Services Entered

B. Adding an Expense: Make sure the correct user is selected, the primary adjuster is the default and can be changed by clicking on the drop-down.

1. Click on Add Expense Row

2. Click the drop-down to select the Expense type. (Common expenses are created in Settings.)

3. If the adjuster needs to be reimbursed for this expense, check this box.  If your company has paid for this expense and not the adjuster, do NOT mark this box.

4. Fill in a Description

5. Fill in the Amount that applies

6. Click on Submit Timelog Entry

7. Once the expense has been saved it will appear in the window below for Expenses Entered

C. Macro Templates for Service Timelogs/Expenses: (use link)

Macro templates can be created and saved for a group of services and expenses, which can help to save time and avoid errors in Timelog entries.  These macros and can be saved with default descriptions and quantities and can be used on the Timelog page for any claim.  

Once a macro is selected by a user, all fields will be populated and the user will have the ability to edit the description, quantity, and/or select or deselect a service or expense as needed.  To create a Macro Template, select a claim for which the template would apply to, then:

1. Add all service fees and expenses you want included in the grouping, type the description you want to populate in the description box (this can be edited when used in a claim if needed), then enter a quantity (this too can be edited when used for other claims).

2. Check mark “Save Macro Template” and name the template. The name is what you will see when selecting a template. 

3. Click Submit Timelog Entry

4. The Services and Expenses will then display on the given claim and will diplay in the list of available Timelog Macro Templates

5. When the created macro is then selected for use in other claims, the fields will auto populate, and you will be able to edit the description and the quantity fields before saving the Timelog in the file. You can also uncheck an entry on the left of the Service Name if you don’t want to include it in a claim. 

6. Click on Submit Timelog Entry once you have made all changes.

If a template macro is incorrect or the saved macro needs to be changed you will need to go into “Manage Macros” and delete the macro and create a new one.  If there are only a few minor changes, you can make the changes to the existing macro and save, then delete the incorrect macro.


II. Creating and Reviewing Invoices:

1. Click on New or Create from the Manage Claims page for the claim in which you wish to create an invoice for.  

  • Create- this will display when there are timelogs to be billed
  • New- this will display when there are NO timelogs to be billed
  • Review- this will display when there is an invoice already created for the file

2. Choose the timelogs you wish to include on this invoice

3. Select type of invoice you are creating

4. (Optional) Choose how you wish to sort the Timelog Entries

5. Click Create Invoice

Notice the Invoice Worksheet is stamped 'PENDING REVIEW' across the top. 

6. Review the Invoice Date and Due Date and make any necessary changes 

7. Review the entries and make any necessary changes to the submitted time log.  If the changes made on the Invoice Worksheet need to be reflected back on the Timelog and Adjuster's payout for that item (Svc Name, Qty, Fee), mark the "Sync" box next for that line item.  

For each entry that is to be included on the invoice to the client company, be sure the box to the left under the Include column is checked.  If this item is not billable to the client company, uncheck this box.

8. Other Fees/Taxes - If your Settings are correct for including taxes for certain states, this will automatically populate for you.  (Tax rates and how to automatically apply are configured in Settings.) In some cases, you may need to manually add the taxes here.  This is done by check marking auto-calculate and entering the tax rate.  Make sure the check box all the way to the left of the screen is checked.

9. (Optional) Enter an Invoice Note

10. (Optional) Add an Invoice Type Stamp

11. Select what you wish to display on the invoice- Defaults to automatically populate for this section can be set on the Settings page under the 'Invoice Worksheet Default' section.  

  • Include Timelog with Invoice – Checking this box will show a detailed description of the individual time log entries at the bottom of the invoice.

12. Click Save/Update Invoice.

13. Click the Preview button to be sure your invoice is correct.

*If the invoice will be finalized at a different time, you may leave in 'Pending Review' status.  When you are ready to finalize the invoice, click on 'Review' on the Manage Claims page.  

14. After previewing the invoice and ensuring it is correct, uncheck 'Invoice Pending Review?' (Save Invoice as PDF Report will auto select and a copy of this invoice will be saved to the file).  Then choose if Adjuster allowed to see PDF.  If this box is unchecked the invoice will not be visible to the adjuster.  You may also choose to automatically email a PDF copy of the Invoice to the Claims Rep. 

15. Click Save/Update Invoice

  • Revert to Original Timelog – This action will reset all work on this invoice and time logs to their original values.
  • Revert to Current Timelog – This action will revert this invoice to the current values in the time log.

You can hover over the individual Qty and Fee entries on each line item of the Invoice Worksheet to see which ones hold a different value in the Timelog.


III. Adding Service Fees to an Invoice:

1. The user associated with this invoice will default to the primary adjuster. If you are creating a service for another adjuster, click the drop-down to select the correct user.

2.    Click Save & Add Service or Save & Add Expense (depending on if the added fee is a service or expense)

3.    Another row will drop into the invoice with today's date.  You can select from the dropdowns and fill in the fields as needed.  You can only add services and expenses for one user at a time.  Additionally, these items will automatically appear for that user on their Adjuster Payout Worksheet.

  • Continue to add services or expenses until all have been added for that user.  If any changes are made on the Invoice Worksheet that need to be reflected back on the Timelog and Adjuster's payout for that item (Svc Name, Qty, Fee), mark the "Sync" box next for that line item.  

4. (Optional) Enter an Invoice Note

5. (Optional) Add an Invoice Type Stamp

6. Select what you wish to display on the invoice- Defaults to automatically populate for this section can be set on the Settings page under the 'Invoice Worksheet Default' section.  

  • Include Timelog with Invoice – Checking this box will show a detailed description of the individual time log entries at the bottom of the invoice.

7. Click Save/Update Invoice.

8. Click the Preview button to be sure your invoice is correct.

9. After previewing the invoice and ensuring it is correct, uncheck 'Invoice Pending Review?' (Save Invoice as PDF Report will auto select and a copy of this invoice will be saved to the file).  Then choose if Adjuster allowed to see PDF.  If this box is unchecked the invoice will not be visible to the adjuster.  You may also choose to automatically email a PDF copy of the Invoice to the Claims Rep. 

10. Click Save/Update Invoice

IV. Billing Page Explained:

The Billing page is where the 'Accounts Receivable Aging' tab will run a report based on the dates selected that can be downloaded or printed.  The 'Adjuster Payout Module' tab is where you will pay your adjusters/users.  The 'Batch Payment Entry' tab, can be used to record payments received for multiple invoices. 

From the Billing page, you can search for invoices using several different search criteria and also access other pages for that file.   

  • Full Pay- Check marking the this box, allows you to quickly mark this invoice as paid from the client.  You will not be given the option from this page to record a partial payment on an invoice nor enter the payment information (check #, amount).  Then click Update All to mark the selected invoices as Paid.
  • Delete Invoice- Clicking the trash can will delete this invoice.  You will receive a popup asking if you are SURE you want to delete the invoice with an option to click OK or Cancel.      
    • When the trashcan is missing, the invoice cannot be deleted because either: (a) a payment was made on the invoice, (b) a line item credit given, (c) a payout was made to an adjuster/secondary adjuster for the invoice, or (d) the invoice has a write off.  
  • Clicking on the LEDES blue hyperlink will export in Excel the Ledes report.

V. Voiding Invoices:


*IMPORTANT Note: If payment has already been made to the adjuster on an invoice, FileTrac will not allow you to void the invoice.  For this, you will need to apply a Line Item Credit if an adjustment needs to be made for charges to be removed from the invoice.  (See 'Line Item Credits' in Section VI below.) 

An invoice can be voided via the 'Invoice Worksheet' page.  You may access the invoice either via the Billing page by clicking on the desired invoice # or from the Manage Claims page by clicking on 'Review' under the Invoice column for the given file.  (If there are multiple invoices for the file, clicking 'Review' will direct you to the billing page where you can select the invoice you wish to Void.)  

1. Click the VOID box

2. To save the time logs on the invoice,  click the box Create Released Timelog Entries!  The timelogs will be available for the next invoice you generate for this claim.  If you do not check this box, any timelog entries noted on the invoice will need to be manaully re-entered. 

3. Click Save Void

When voiding an invoice, you will notice that two entries will now appear for the same timelog in the file.  When the invoice is voided, the system leaves the original timelog on the voided invoice and creates a duplicate timelog in the file so that it can be re-billed.

VI. Applying Single Invoice Payments, Line Item Credits, and Write-offs:


A. Applying Single Invoice Payment: Invoices that are grayed out on the Billing page or have PENDING REVIEW noted across the top of the invoice, are invoices that are still 'Pending Review'.  These invoices must be reviewed and saved before a payment can be recorded on it.  (See steps 7-15 in section II above.) 

*IMPORTANT Note: If you are recording payments for more than one invoice, we recommend using the 'Batch Payment Entry' (see Section VII further below).  

To record a payment on a single invoice via the 'Invoice Worksheet', enter the Date, Check #, and Amount of payment to be applied to invoice.  Then click Enter.

B. Line Item Credits: The occasion may arise where your client is requiring that certain charges on your invoice be removed.  If payment has already been made to the adjuster on an invoice, FileTrac will not allow you to void the invoice.  In this case you will need to make the adjustment via a 'Line Item Credit'.    


From the 'Invoice Worksheet' page,

1. Click Line Item Credits 

2. Click Add Credit for the entry that the credit is being applied for

3. The current date will auto fill. If you need to change the date to reflect an earlier date click the calendar and select the correct date.

4. Include a note here to explain why this amount is being credited to your client.

5. The quantity will auto fill.  If only a portion of this fee needs to be credited, you can adjust the quantity here.

6. The Credit amount will auto fill based on the Qty entered.  If the amount needs to be changed, do so here. 

7. Click Save Credit Line 

The credit will then show up directly under the original entry.  If you made a mistake, you have the option to delete your entry by clicking on the trash can:

8. Click on Invoice Worksheet (Notice that the credit is now showing at the top of this page along with the remaining balance owed.)

9. If you want this amount to be deducted from the adjuster, Check the Sync button next to the charge.  If this will not be deducted from the adjuster skip this step and continue to Step 10.

**IMPORTANT Note: When entering Line Item Credits on taxable services you will need to manually calculate the tax and enter it on the invoice worksheet page.

10. Click Save Update Invoice

To verify that the amount has been deducted from the adjuster you may look at the Adjuster Payout and see that the credit is being applied.

C. Writing off Remaining Balance: If you have invoices that you are not going to collect on, you can write off the remaining balance of an invoice from the system.  

VII. Batch Payment Entry:

Use Batch Payment Entry if you will be recording payments for multiple invoices.  

1. Click on the Billing tab

2. Then select Batch Payment Entry

3.    Select the Payment date by clicking on the calendar. The default is always today’s date.

4.    Click the button Click to Add Invoices for Processing and a separate page will open.

5. Click the drop-down to choose how you want to search. 

6. When searching for multiple invoice numbers select Invoice # search above and then type in the invoice #’s followed by a comma.

7. (Optional): Use a date range by checking the box, entering the date range, then choose if the date range is for the Invoice Date or Invoice Due Date

8.    Click Find Invoices

9.    Select the Invoices that you want to apply a payment to by checking the corresponding box to the left of the Invoice #. 

10.    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Invoice to List.

Another page will open with the list of invoices.

11.    Enter the Check #.  If all invoices on this list were paid on the same check, then click 'FillDown'.

12.    If the payments are paid in full, check the Pay in Full box or if you are recording partial payments, enter the payment amount in the Pay Amount column.  Do not check the box in the 'Pay in Full' column next to a payment that is not a full payment for the invoice.

13.    Click Submit Payments

From this screen you can jump straight to the Adjuster Payout Worksheet or the Billing page. You can also add another invoice to this list by clicking the 'Click to Add Invoices for Processing' button.

For instructions on Adjuster Payouts, visit the following link: 

Adjuster Payout Worksheet and Payout Link Visibility : Evolution Global - FileTrac CMS Support (freshdesk.com) 

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