Word/Excel Letter Templates can be created through the use of FileTrac Word Add-In Tokens. For FileTrac Word Add-in tool installation and template creation instructions, please click the following link:
FileTrac Word Add-in Tool for Letter Templates : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
After templates have been created and uploaded, users (Admins, Employees, and Adjusters) can then generate those templates in their files.
To Generate a Template for a File
1. Go to the Manage Claims page
2. Find the Claim that you wish to produce the letter/document within.
3. Click on the Contacts area for that file.
In order for the template to populate the "token" information for a claim, be sure the information has been entered into FileTrac for that claim (ex: Insured info, Claimant info, Inspection Date, etc).
For a contact's Attorney information to populate, the attorney will first need to be added as a separate contact.
Once they have been added as a Contact, select the Contact they are representing and choose the Attorney from the drop-down menu. Then click Save at the bottom of the page.
For step-by-step instructions on adding Contacts to a claim, click the following link:
Contacts & Common Contacts : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
4. If any 'Contact' tokens were used in the template, mark the radio button next to the Contact for which the information needs to populate for.
"Contact" tokens are those listed in lines 99-146 in the following link:
Word Add-in Tool Token List : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
5. Select the Template Category and Template that you wish to use.
6. If any 'Branch' tokens were used (Branch address, phone, etc.), be sure the correct Branch is selected.
7. As the document will automatically save in the Reports section for the claim, you can give the document a Report Name.
8. Once you have selected the above, if there are any Custom Fields that need to be addressed, they will display. Enter the requested information. (This field allows for up to 2,000 characters.)
9. Click on Produce Letter (Doc or PDF). The letter will automatically save in the Reports section for that claim as a PDF/Word document.
Letter created from Sample Template above:
The letter can then be emailed from FileTrac via the @ page from the Manage Claims Screen.