To download the Word Add-in Tool and instructions on how to use the tool, please click on the following link:
FileTrac Word Add-in Tool : FileTrac Support (freshdesk.com)
Recent Microsoft updates have caused issues for some users with the Microsoft Word Add-In Tool. If you are experiencing a problem, please use the list of tokens below to create your documents. The tokens can be copied from this list and then pasted into your word doc or excel forms, or you may download the attached spreadsheet to your computer.
1 | Description/Field Name | TOKEN |
2 | Adjuster Address Line 1 | ##adjAddr1 |
3 | Adjuster Address Line2 | ##adjAddr2 |
4 | Adjuster Alt phone | ##adjPhone2 |
5 | Adjuster City | ##adjCity |
6 | Adjuster City/State/Zip | ##adjAddr3 |
7 | Adjuster Code | ##adjCode |
8 | Adjuster Email | ##adjEMail |
9 | Adjuster Fax | ##adjFax |
10 | Adjuster First Name | ##adjFName |
11 | Adjuster Last Name | ##adjLName |
12 | Adjuster Full Address | ##adjFullAddr |
13 | Adjuster Full Name | ##adjFullName |
14 | Adjuster Phone | ##adjPhone1 |
15 | Adjuster Salutation | ##adjSalutation |
16 | Adjuster State | ##adjState |
17 | Adjuster Title | ##adjTitle |
18 | Adjuster Zip | ##adjZIP |
19 | Adjuster Type | ##adjType |
20 | Agent Address Line 1 | ##AgentAddr1 |
21 | Agent Address Line 2 | ##AgentAddr2 |
22 | Agent City | ##AgentCity |
23 | Agent City/State/Zip | ##AgentAddr3 |
24 | Agent Email | ##AgentEMail |
25 | Agent Phone1 | ##AgentPhone1 |
26 | Agent Phone2 | ##AgentPhone2 |
27 | Agent Phone3 | ##AgentPhone3 |
28 | Agent State | ##AgentState |
29 | Agent Zip | ##AgentZIP |
30 | Auto Color | ##AutomobileColor |
31 | Auto Licesnse Plate | ##AutomobileLicensePlate |
32 | Auto Make | ##AutoMake |
33 | Auto Model | ##AutoModel |
34 | Auto Odometer | ##AutomobileOdometer |
35 | Auto Vin | ##AutoVin |
36 | Auto Year | ##AutoYear |
37 | BLANK | ##__ |
38 | Board of Health Address 1 | ##boardHealthAddr1 |
39 | Board of Health Address 2 | ##boardHealthAddr2 |
40 | Board of Health City | ##boardHealthCity |
41 | Board of Health City, State, Zip | ##boardHealthAddr3 |
42 | Board of Health Name | ##boardHealthName |
43 | Board of Health State | ##boardHealthState |
44 | Board of Health Zip | ##boardHealthZIP |
45 | Branch Address | ##ACAddr |
46 | Branch Address1 | ##ACAddr1 |
47 | Branch Address2 | ##ACAddr2 |
48 | Branch City | ##ACcity |
49 | Branch Name | ##ABname |
50 | Branch Phone | ##ACPhone |
51 | Branch Phones/faxes | ##Accontact |
52 | Branch State | ##ACstate |
53 | Branch Toll Free | ##ACtollFree |
54 | Branch Zip | ##ACZIP |
55 | Building Inspector Address1 | ##buildingInspectorAddr1 |
56 | Building Inspector Address2 | ##buildingInspectorAddr2 |
57 | Building Inspector City | ##buildingInspectorCity |
58 | Building Inspector City,State, Zip | ##buildingInspectorAddr3 |
59 | Building Inspector Name | ##buildingInspectorName |
60 | Building Inspector State | ##buildingInspectorState |
61 | CAT Code | ##claimCat |
62 | Claim # | ##companyFileID |
63 | Claim Status | ##claimStatus |
64 | Claimant Address1 | ##claimantAddr1 |
65 | Claimant Address2 | ##claimantAddr2 |
66 | Claimant Cell | ##claimantPhone2 |
67 | Claimant City | ##claimantCity |
68 | Claimant City, State, Zip | ##claimantAddr3 |
69 | Claimant Company | ##claimantCompany |
70 | ClaimantCompany else Claimant First Last | ##claimantActual |
71 | Claimant Email | ##claimantEMail |
72 | Claimant First Name | ##claimantFName |
73 | Claimant Full Name | ##claimantFullNam |
74 | Claimant Last Name | ##claimantLName |
75 | Claimant phone 1 | ##claimantPhone1 |
76 | Claimant State | ##claimantState |
77 | Claimant Zip | ##claimantZIp |
78 | Claims Rep Address1 | ##claimsRepAddr1 |
79 | Claims RepAddress2 | ##claimsRepAddr2 |
80 | Claims RepCity,State,Zip | ##claimsRepAddr3 |
81 | Claims RepEmail | ##claimsRepEmail |
82 | Claims RepFull Address | ##claimsRepFullAddrdr |
83 | Claims Rep Phone 1 | ##claimsRepPhone1 |
84 | Claims Rep Alt Phone | ##claimsRepPhone2 |
85 | Claims Rep Salutation | ##claimsRepSalutation |
86 | Claims Rep First Name | ##claimsRepFName |
87 | Claims Rep Full Name | ##claimsRepFullName |
88 | Claims Rep Last Name | ##claimsRepLName |
89 | Client | ##companyName |
90 | Client Address1 | ##companyAddr1 |
91 | Client Address2 | ##companyAddr2 |
92 | Client City | ##companyCity |
93 | Client City,State,Zip | ##companyAddr3 |
94 | Client Country | ##companyCountry |
95 | Client Full Address | ##companyFullAddr |
96 | Client Phone | ##companyPhone |
97 | Client State | ##companyState |
98 | Client Zip | ##companyZIP |
99 | Contact Address1 | ##contactAddr1 |
100 | Contact Address2 | ##contactAddr2 |
101 | Contact DOB | ##contactDOB |
102 | Contact Phone | ##contactPhone |
103 | Contact City | ##contactCity |
104 | Contact City,State, Zip | ##contactAddr3 |
105 | Contact Company | ##contactCompany |
106 | Contact Description | ##contactDescr |
107 | Contact Email | ##contactEMail |
108 | Contact Fax | ##contactFax |
109 | Contact First Name | ##contactFName |
110 | Contact Full Address | ##contactFullAddr |
111 | Contact Full Name | ##contactFullName |
112 | Contact Last Name | ##contactLName |
113 | Contact Notes | ##contactNotes |
114 | Contact Occupation | ##contactOccupation |
115 | Contact Phone Home | ##contactPhone1 |
116 | Contact Phone Office | ##contactPhone3 |
117 | Contact Policy End Date | ##contactPoilcyEnd |
118 | Contact Policy Number | ##contactPolicyNum |
119 | Contact Policy Period | ##contactPolicyPeriod |
120 | Contact Start Date | ##contactPolicyStart |
121 | Contact SSN | ##contactSSN |
122 | Contact State | ##contactState |
123 | Contact Type | ##contactType |
124 | Contact Zip | ##contactZIP |
125 | Contact's Attorney Address1 | ##attorneyAddr1 |
126 | Contact's Attorney Address2 | ##attorneyAddr2 |
127 | Contact's Attorney DOB | ##attorneyDOB |
128 | Contact's Attorney Cell | ##attorneyPhone2 |
129 | Contact's Attorney City | ##attorneyCity |
130 | Contact's Attorney Address3 | ##attorneyAddr3 |
131 | Contact's Attorney Company | ##attorneyCompany |
132 | Contact's Attorney Description | ##attorneyDescr |
133 | Contact's Attorney Email | ##attorneyEMail |
134 | Contact's Attorney Fax | ##attorneyFax |
135 | Contact's Attorney First Name | ##attorneyFName |
136 | Contact's Attorney Full Address | ##attorneyFullAddr |
137 | Contact's Attorney Full Name | ##attorneyFullName |
138 | Contact's Attorney Last Name | ##attorneyLName |
139 | Contact's Attorney Notes | ##attorneyNotes |
140 | Contact's Attorney occupation | ##attorneyOccupation |
141 | Contact's Attorney Home | ##attorneyPhone1 |
142 | Contact's Attorney Office | ##attorneyPhone3 |
143 | Contact's AttorneySSN | ##attorneySSN |
144 | Contact's Attorney State | ##attorneyState |
145 | Contact's Attorney Type | ##attorneyType |
146 | Contact's Attorney Zip | ##attorneyZIP |
147 | *******No Description***** | ##Custom_27860_Insurance_Company |
148 | Date Claim Entered | ##claimDateEntered |
149 | Date Claim Received | ##claimDateReceived |
150 | Date Claim Due | ##claimDateDue |
151 | Date Claim Contact | ##claimDateContact |
152 | Date Claim Inspection | ##claimDateInspection |
153 | Date Claim Loss | ##claimDateLoss |
154 | Endorsements | ##Endorsements |
155 | File# | ##claimFileID |
156 | Dept Fire Addr1 | ##fireDeptAddr1 |
157 | Dept Fire Addr2 | ##fireDeptAddr2 |
158 | Dept Fire City | ##fireDeptCity |
159 | Dept Fire Addr3 | ##fireDeptAddr3 |
160 | Dept Fire Name | ##fireDeptName |
161 | Dept Fire State | ##fireDeptState |
162 | Fire ZIP | ##fireDeptZIP |
163 | Insured Addr1 | ##insuredAddr1 |
164 | Insured Addr2 | ##insuredAddr2 |
165 | AgentFull Agent Address | ##AgentFullAddress |
166 | Agent Company | ##AgentCompany |
167 | AgentFullName | ##AgentFullName |
168 | Insured AltPolicyNum | ##insuredAltPolicyNum |
169 | Insured City | ##insuredCity |
170 | Insured City,State, Zip | ##insuredAddr3 |
171 | Insured Company | ##insuredCompany |
172 | Insured Company else Insured First Last | ##insuredActual |
173 | Insured Coverages -A | ##ClaimCoveragesA |
174 | Insured Coverages -B | ##ClaimCoveragesB |
175 | Insured Coverages -C | ##ClaimCoveragesC |
176 | Insured Coverages -D | ##ClaimCoveragesD |
177 | Insured Deductible | ##claimDeductable |
178 | Insured Email | ##insuredEMail |
179 | Insured First Name | ##insuredFName |
180 | Insured Full Name | ##insuredFullName |
181 | Insured Last Name | ##insuredLName |
182 | Insured Phone Cell | ##insuredPhone2 |
183 | Insured PhoneHome | ##insuredPhone1 |
184 | Insured Phone Office | ##insuredPhone3 |
185 | Insured Policy Number | ##insuredPolicyNum |
186 | Insured Policy Period | ##InsuredPolicyPeriod |
187 | Insured Policy Type | ##PolicyType |
188 | Insured State | ##insuredState |
189 | Insured Zip | ##insuredZIP |
190 | Loan Number | ##insuredLoanNum |
191 | Loss Address1 | ##lossAddr1 |
192 | Loss Address2 | ##lossAddr2 |
193 | Loss Amount | ##claimAmount |
194 | Loss City | ##lossCity |
195 | Loss City, State, Zip | ##lossAddr3 |
196 | Loss Full Address | ##lossFullAddr |
197 | Loss Reserve | ##reserveAmount |
198 | Loss State | ##lossState |
199 | Loss Type | ##lossType |
200 | Loss Unit | ##lossUnit |
201 | Loss Zip | ##lossZIP |
202 | Loss Description | ##LossDesc |
203 | Manager Address1 | ##mgrAddr1 |
204 | Manager Address2 | ##mgrAddr2 |
205 | Manager City | ##mgrCity |
206 | Manager Email | ##mgrEMail |
207 | Manager Fax | ##mgrFax |
208 | Manager First Name | ##mgrFname |
209 | Manager Last Name | ##mgrLName |
210 | Manager Phone 1 | ##mgrPhone1 |
211 | Manager State | ##mgrState |
212 | Manager Zip | ##mgrZIP |
213 | Insured Mortgagee | ##insuredMortgagee |
214 | Police Dept Address1 | ##policeDeptAddr1 |
215 | Police Dept Address2 | ##policeDeptAddr2 |
216 | Police Dept City | ##policeDeptInspectorCity |
217 | Police Dept City,State, Zip | ##policeDeptInspectorAddr3 |
218 | Police Dept Name | ##policeDeptName |
219 | Police Dept Inspector State | ##policeDeptInspectorState |
220 | Police Dept Inspector Zip | ##policeDeptInspectorZIP |
221 | Repair Shop Address1 | ##RepairShopAddress1 |
222 | Repair Shop Address2 | ##RepairShopAddress2 |
223 | Repair Shop City | ##RepairShopCity |
224 | Repair Shop Name | ##RepairShopName |
225 | Repair Shop State | ##RepairShopState |
226 | Repair Shop Zip | ##RepairShopZipCode |
227 | Reviewer Address1 | ##rvrAddr1 |
228 | Reviewer Address2 | ##rvrAddr2 |
229 | Reviewer City | ##rvrCity |
230 | Reviewer Email | ##rvrEMail |
231 | Reviewer Fax | ##rvrFax |
232 | Reviewer First Name | ##rvrFname |
233 | Reviewer Last Name | ##rvrLName |
234 | Reviewer Phone | ##rvrPhone1 |
235 | Reviewer State | ##rvrState |
236 | Reviewer Zip | ##rvrZIP |
237 | Secondary File # | ##claimFile_ID2 |
238 | Secondary Insurance Co | ##secInsuranceCo |
239 | Special Instructions | ##specialInstructions |
240 | Supervisor Address1 | ##supAddr1 |
241 | Supervisor Address2 | ##supAddr2 |
242 | Supervisor City | ##supCity |
243 | Supervisor Email | ##supEMail |
244 | Supervisor Fax | ##supFax |
245 | Supervisor First Name | ##supFname |
246 | Supervisor Full Name | ##supervisorFullName |
247 | Supervisor Last Name | ##supLName |
248 | Supervisor Phone | ##supPhone1 |
249 | Supervisor State | ##supState |
250 | Supervisor Zip | ##supZIP |
251 | Today's date | ##DATE |
252 | Your Firm's Address1 | ##adjCoAddr1 |
253 | Your Firm's Address2 | ##adjCoAddr2 |
254 | Your Firm's City | ##adjCoCity |
255 | Your Firm's City, State, Zip | ##adjCoAddr3 |
256 | Your Firm's Fax Number | ##adjBranchFaxNo |
257 | Your Firm's Full Address | ##adjCoFullAddr |
258 | Your Firm's Name | ##adjCoName |
259 | Your Firm's Phone Number | ##adjBranchPhoneNo |
260 | Your Firm's State | ##adjCoState |
261 | Your Firm's Tax Id | ##adjCoTaxID |
262 | Your Firm's Zip | ##adjCoZIP |
263 | Custom Field1 | ##customField1 |
264 | Custom Field2 | ##customField2 |
265 | Custom Field3 | ##customField3 |
266 | Custom Field4 | ##customField4 |
267 | Custom Field5 | ##customField5 |
268 | Custom Field6 | ##customField6 |
269 | Custom Field7 | ##customField7 |
270 | Custom Field8 | ##customField8 |
271 | Custom Field9 | ##customField9 |
272 | Custom Field10 | ##customField10 |
273 | Custom Field11 | ##customField11 |
274 | Custom Field12 | ##customField12 |
275 | Custom Field13 | ##customField13 |
276 | Custom Field14 | ##customField14 |
277 | Custom Field15 | ##customField15 |
278 | Custom Field16 | ##customField16 |
279 | Custom Field17 | ##customField17 |
280 | Custom Field18 | ##customField18 |
281 | Custom Field19 | ##customField19 |
282 | Custom Field20 | ##customField20 |