FileTrac allows for the capability to permit certain user roles (Admin, Branch Admin, Admin Clerical, or Sr Adjuster) to send emails from the @ page on behalf of other users; thereby, making the selected user appear as the Sender of the email. To enable this feature:
1. Click on the Settings tab
2. Click Ability to change "FROM" email address
3. Mark the box(es) for the user roles that will be given the ability to send an email on behalf of another user. The marked boxes will allow users of that role to send an email on behalf of the Assigned Adjuster, Supervisor, Manager, or any other employee in your firm.
4. Click Update
For Example:
With the options enabled in the previous screenshot, an Admin, Branch Admin, Admin Clerical, or Sr Adjuster would click on the @ sign on the Manage Claims page for a given file:
They could then choose a user from the drop-down menu to appear as the Sender of the email: